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List of Mechanisms
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

A total of 38 units are included.
  • Gundam Barbatos

    • Height18 m
    • Weight28.5 t
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    Model Number: ASW-G-08

    The ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos is one of 72 "Gundam" frames that was produced and used in the Calamity War, roughly 300 years ago. After it was recovered, Chryse Guard Security used it as a power reactor. Aside from the fact that its Ahab Reactors were still functional, this was done mainly because Barbatos' cockpit was missing when it was found. A new cockpit similar to the one used by the CGS mobile workers was installed prior to its redeployment by the 3rd Group. Poor maintenance over the centuries since the Calamity War had degraded the Barbatos' armor and full combat potential. This was later rectified by Teiwaz technicians, who not only restored the Barbatos to its original look but also returned it back to a performance close to its original.

    Gundam units like the Barbatos are able to achieve a high energy output because they possess two Ahab Reactors. However, because it is difficult to run them in parallel operation, only a total of 72 Gundam frames were ever produced. The burden experienced by the pilot is high as a result of the high output and maneuverability; however, it's mitigated by the implementation of inertial control due to the use of Ahab Particles generated from the reactor when a phase transition occurs inside its vacuum device. The cockpit structure is positioned in front of the reactor to take advantage of this. Among the same frame machines, the Gundam Barbatos has been adjusted for an emphasis on versatility; it has the potential to adapt to every circumstance by exchanging its equipment. It can also use weapons and armor from defeated enemies to improve its fighting capabilities.

  • Gundam Barbatos 1st Form

    • Height18 m
    • Weight28.5 t
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    Barbatos was in this form when Maruba Arkay discovered it in Mars' desert 300 years after the Calamity War. Since its Ahab Reactors were still in an operational state, it was used as the CGS HQ's power source until Mikazuki boarded it. At the time, it did not have any shoulder armor.

  • Gundam Barbatos 2nd Form

    • Height18 m
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    CGS was later reformed into Tekkadan, and prior to Tekkadan's departure to Earth, the Barbatos' 1st Form is fitted with the shoulder armor from the captured EB-06 Graze. These shoulder armors have the same white and blue color scheme as the main body as they are painted with the same Nanolaminate Armor.

  • Gundam Barbatos 3rd Form

    • Height18 m
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    After the battle with Gjallarhorn near the low orbital station, the Barbatos 2nd Form is equipped with the Wire Claw captured from Gaelio's Schwalbe Graze to fix the damaged left forearm armor.

  • Gundam Barbatos 4th Form

    • Height18 m
    • Weight28.5 t
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    Barbatos' original form is reproduced by technicians at Teiwaz's base, Saisei, based on ancient materials from the time of the Calamity War that had been recorded in their database. The machine's weight balance is stabilized, and the two reactors' output and operation rate are also improved after extensive maintenance and overhaul. While Barbatos' performance is now closer to the original state, it is still not yet at 100%.

  • Gundam Barbatos 5th Form

    • Height18 m
    • Weight28.5 t
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    A new form with added waist boosters, redesigned forearm armor with mortars, and chest-mounted reactive armor. Some of the new parts were provided by the Montag Company. The waist boosters serve to increase the suit's mobility and were originally the hip-mounted flight units of Ein's Schwalbe Graze. Tekkadan recovered the parts when they were dislodged from the Schwalbe Graze during an earlier battle. The reactive armor serves as a countermeasure against the Kimaris' hit-and-run attacks with its Gungnir lance.

  • Gundam Barbatos 5th Form Ground Type

    • Height18 m
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    A modified version of the 5th Form for ground combat, it was created with the help of Eco Turbine and again used parts provided by the Montag Company. The leg suspension was adjusted to adapt to the Earth's gravity and new feet were used. As a result of this, the suit now has a higher center of gravity, leading to faster reaction and thus better mobility under gravity. The added waist thrusters were removed as they were deemed useless for ground combat, and the forearm mortars can be exchanged with autocannons.

  • Gundam Barbatos 6th Form

    • Height18.8 m
    • Weight30.5 t
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス

    A reinforced version of the 5th Form Ground-Type for the final battle. The side skirt armor was replaced with a pair of "Tail Boosters", the shoulder armor pieces were replaced with those from the EB-06r Graze Ritter, and additional armor was added to the chest. The tail boosters improve the suit's ground mobility and have reduced fuel consumption. The added chest armor provides the cockpit with better protection from concentrated attacks and can withstand prolonged battle. Although the new armor reduces the suit's mobility, they allow the Barbatos to battle for prolonged periods without any resupply. When required, the shoulder armors can be ejected and used as a decoy.

  • Gundam Gusion Rebake

    • Height18 m
    • Weight35.1 t
    • Pilot昭弘・アルトランド

    Model Number: ASW-G-11

    A modified version of the Gundam Gusion after it was confiscated from the Brewers. The modifications were done by Teiwaz engineers (more accurately those with the Turbines) using spare parts from the Gundam Barbatos, and the Alaya-Vijnana System salvaged from a Man Rodi was also installed in its cockpit. With a compatible pilot like Akihiro Altland in control, the Alaya-Vijnana System allows the Gundam to display its original performance. While the original Gundam Gusion was too heavy for use under gravity, the Gusion Rebake has no such problems as the changes to it restored the Gundam Frame's versatility to operate in any environment. The frame's versatility could also be seen in how it can support the drastic change in form from the Gusion into Gusion Rebake.

    Unlike the original Gusion, which relies on its tough armor and high reactor output for superior close combat capabilities, the Gusion Rebake is now capable of long-range support due to the high sensitivity sensors fitted in its head. The Gusion Rebake's head has two different modes, a Normal Mode for short to middle range combat, and an Aiming Mode for long range combat. By mastering the two modes, the suit can be used to handle any combat situations. Other interesting features of the Gusion Rebake include two sub-arms hidden in the booster pods on the back, and a rear skirt armor that can be used as a shield. The sub-arms are derived from a Graze's arms, while the booster pods are modified from the Gusion's leg armor. The rear skirt armor was previously a part of the Gusion's back armor and as such, it has high defensive strength when deployed as a shield.

  • Gundam Gusion

    • Height18 m
    • Weight44.4 t
    • Pilotクダル・カデル

    Model Number: ASW-G-11

    One of the "Gundam" frames that were produced and used in the Calamity War, roughly 300 years ago. Gundam units like the Gusion are able to achieve a high energy output because they possess two Ahab Reactors. However, because it is difficult to run the two reactors in parallel operation, only a total of 72 Gundam Frames were ever produced. By using the two reactors at their maximum output and combining that with high output thrusters, the Gusion was able to obtain excellent mobility while equipped with super heavy armor.

    Although the Gundam Frame is highly versatile and can be used in any environments, the space pirate group, Brewers, customized the Gusion for space use (particularly for the debris zone) as the group do not intend to operate under gravity. Large propellant tanks are placed within the suit's armor to reduce the risk of the Gusion running out of fuel due to its weight. However, its solo flight distance and combat operational time is still considered to be short. Despite this, the Gusion remains a formidable opponent due to its superior armor that can't be dented by anti-aircraft attacks. The armor is also able to withstand a shot from Gundam Barbatos' smoothbore gun in close range, and can render sharp, bladed weapons useless. Its main weapons are a large thruster-equipped hammer and a submachine gun.


    • Height17.9 m
    • Weight28.2 t
    • Pilot昭弘・アルトランド

    • Height18.9 m
    • Weight31.2 t
    • Pilotノルバ・シノ
  • Amida's Hyakuren

    • Height18.2 m
    • Weight35.5 t
    • Pilotアミダ・アルカ

    Model Number: STH-05/AC

    Amida's Hyakuren is one of nine initial Hyakurens built by Teiwaz. These nine machines are known as 'Single Number', and were gifted in the name of Teiwaz's representative, McMurdo Barriston, to nine subsidiaries directly belonging to the organization. Turbines is one of these subsidiaries, with the machine it received being assigned to Amida by Naze Turbine and painted in its distinctive color scheme. The 'Single Number' machines differ from later Hyakuren in that high purity Jupiter Metal are used as shock absorbers for the Ahab reactor and as electrical conductors in the MS' frame. Furthermore, they also have superior reaction speed and maximum output. Other than these differences, the 'Single Number' machines are the same as the later machines.

    The Hyakurens are versatile machines that are unhindered by the operating environment, and used weapons that strike a balance between ranged and close combat. They are equipped with heavy armor as they operate primarily in the asteroid belt and debris zone. The heavier weight made the suit more resistance to collision in these areas, and by using this characteristic in MS battle, it gains strong performance in close combat. When the suit is deployed under gravity, the heavy armor would be switched out for ground combat equipment with lighter armor.


  • Gundam Kimaris

    • Height19.3 m
    • Weight31.7 t
    • Pilotガエリオ・ボードウィン

    Model Number: ASW-G-66

    One of the "Gundam" frames that was produced and used in the Calamity War roughly 300 years ago, the Gundam Kimaris is able to achieve a high energy output because it possesses two Ahab Reactors. Only a total of 72 Gundam frames were ever produced because it is difficult to run two Ahab Reactors in parallel operation. The Kimaris is specialized for close combat. It uses a lance named 'Gungnir' as its main weapon, while also possessing a foldable combat knife and two launchers in the shoulder that fires disk-shaped weapons known as Slash Disks.

    Due to the versatile "Gundam" frame, the Gundam Kimaris can be used in any environment, but it is particularly adept at space combat and has outstanding stability in low orbit combat despite the pull of gravity. The Kimaris also has high mobility thanks to various boosters on its body, including a pair of hidden high-output boosters within each leg. Although attitude control becomes difficult when these leg boosters are deployed, a full boost from them allows the Kimaris to reach distant enemies in an instant, and they can also be used for quick turns or to accelerate quickly. Other notable features of the Kimaris are a cluster of high sensitivity sensors in its head that can correct its course during attacks by millimeters, and four head-mounted flash bang launchers.

  • Gundam Kimaris Trooper

    • Height19.1 m
    • Weight32.7 t
    • Pilotガエリオ・ボードウィン

    The Gundam Kimaris Trooper is the Gundam Kimaris equipped with an alternate set of armor for ground combat. It can be considered as the final battle form of the Gundam Kimaris that is prepared for prolonged combat. It is armed with the Destroyer Lance, a Kimaris Shield, a shield-stored Kimaris Saber, and an unknown number of mines stored in the rear skirt armor. A pair of sub-arms are built into the side skirt armor; they can be used to support the Destroyer Lance when it is in use or to hold the Kimaris Shield.

    The Gundam Kimaris Trooper's main feature is that it can transform into a four-legged, hovering form known as the 'Trooper Form', and is one of the few Gundam Frame machines with a transformation mechanism. The Trooper Form has excellent frontal assault abilities and emphasizes charging ahead rather than turning capability. A hover unit is installed in the rear skirt armor along with a movable stabilizer, and the hovering is maintained by the same posture/attitude control capabilities used during high mobility maneuvering in a zero-gravity environment. The hovering helps to minimize the effects of gravity and grants the suit high mobility. Thus, the suit's hit-and-run attacks with its lance are as effective on the ground as in space. In terms of defensive capabilities, the Trooper Form has no problem parrying or blocking enemy attacks, allowing it to maintain its hovering state for an extended period.

  • Grimgerde

    • Height18.5 m
    • Weight29.2 t
    • Pilotマクギリス・ファリド

    Model Number: V08-1228

    Produced at the end of the Calamity War, the Grimgerde is one of the mobile suit models that used the Valkyrja Frame. The Valkyrja frame was easy to use, lightweight, and compared to the other Calamity War era machines, its design was simple with minimal energy loss. In terms of specifications, the Valkyrja Frame had the capabilities to be the main combat machine on the battlefield. However, as it was developed at around the same time as the Gundam Frame, not many people were aware of its existence. Based on remaining data from the Calamity War era, the overall production number for Valkyrja Frame-based mobile suits was small, with a theory that less than 10 units were produced. There was also not much information regarding their combat record.

    The Grimgerde was made to be lighter and more mobile compared to other mobile suits of the time. This translated into high mobility when in space, while on the ground, it is nimble as the effects of gravity are minimized. The main disadvantage of its design is that when the suit is in close combat, control of its center of gravity is important, and any piloting mistakes can lead to attacks with little power that will just bounce off the enemy's armor. After the Calamity War, the performance of the Valkyrja Frame was examined and Gjallarhorn decided to use the frame and Grimgerde as the base for their mobile suit development, resulting in the Geirail Series and its successor, the Graze Series. As a result, the Graze also inherited the design concept of the Valkyrja Frame and the basic structure of the Grimgerde.

  • Schwalbe Graze(McGillis Use)

    • Height18.1 m
    • Weight32.5 t
    • Pilotマクギリス・ファリド
  • SCHWALBE GRAZE(Gaelio User)

    • Height18.1 m
    • Weight32.5 t
    • Pilotガエリオ・ボードウィン

    • Height18.1 m
    • Weight32.5 t
    • Pilotアイン・ダルトン
  • Graze Ritter Commander Type

    • Height18.7 m
    • Weight32.1 t
    • Pilotカルタ・イシュー, マクギリス・ファリド

    Model Number: EB-06rs

    A commander-use version of the EB-06r Graze Ritter, it is first used by Carta Issue, the commander of Gjallarhorn's Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet. The main differences between the Graze Ritter Commander Type and the standard Graze Ritter include a larger head crest, slightly different chest armor, longer shoulder side armor with higher output round thrusters, and red highlights on the head and shoulder armor instead of white. These changes in its look made it more representative of Gjallarhorn's peacekeeping philosophy than the standard machine.

    Although the suit is only seen in its ground configuration in the anime, it can also be configured for space use. The space configuration uses the same thigh armor and back-mounted booster units as the standard Graze, while the ground configuration has different thigh armor equipped with hover units on the sides that are also used by the Graze Ground Type. Like the standard Graze Ritter, the Graze Ritter Commander Type uses a Knight Blade as its main close combat weaponry, but can also be equipped with the Battle Axe when required.

    A blue variant of the suit with yellow highlights is later used by McGillis Fareed when he became the commander of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet. Besides the change in color scheme, the suit's appearance remains unchanged. However, its characteristics have been comprehensively reviewed. Particularly, its ground-based combat data was recalculated, and as a result, its mobility under Earth's gravity was maximized. Additionally, McGillis's unit dual-wields the Knight Blades in combat, similar to how he piloted his previous machine.



    • Height22.2 m
    • Weight38.6 t
    • Pilotアイン・ダルトン

    Model Number: EB-AX2


    • Height17.8 m
    • Weight30.2 t
    • Pilotクランク・ゼント, アイン・ダルトン, ギャラルホルン兵士

    • Height17.8 m
    • Weight30.2 t
    • Pilotオーリス・ステンジャ, コーラル・コンラッド, イオク・クジャン

    Model Number: EB-06s

  • GRAZE(Ares/Space Color)

    • Height17.8 m
    • Weight30.2 t
    • Pilotコーラル・コンラッド
  • Graze Ground Type

    • Height17.8 m
    • Weight31.8 t
    • Pilotギャラルホルン兵士

    • Height18.7 m
    • Weight32.1 t
    • Pilotカルタ親衛隊
  • GRAZE RITTER(Ground Type)

    • Height18.7 m
    • Weight32.1 t
    • Pilotカルタ親衛隊

    • Height18.5 m
    • Weight33.4 t
    • Pilotラフタ・フランクランド

    • Height18.2 m
    • Weight35.5 t
    • Pilotアジー・グルミン

    • Height18.2 m
    • Weight32.2 t
    • Pilotラフタ・フランクランド, アジー・グルミン

    • Height17.1 m
    • Weight40.6 t
    • Pilot昌弘・アルトランド, ビトー, アストン, デルマ ペドロ

    • Height18.5 m
    • Weight41.3 t
    • Pilotドルト組合員, アミダ・アルカ(隊長機)

    • Height3.5 m
    • Weight2.2 t
    • Pilot三日月・オーガス, オルガ・イツカ, ユージン・セブンスターク, 昭弘・アルトランド, ノルバ・シノ, ビスケット・グリフォン, ダンジ・エイレイ

    • Height3.5 m
    • Weight2.3 t
    • Pilotオルガ・イツカ, ユージン・セブンスターク, ノルバ・シノ, タカキ・ウノ

    • Pilotオルガ・イツカ, ユージン・セブンスターク

    • Pilot名瀬・タービン

    • Weight12.9 t
    • Pilotナディ・雪之丞・カッサパ