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Amida's Hyakuren

Amida's Hyakuren

Model Number: STH-05/AC

Amida's Hyakuren is one of nine initial Hyakurens built by Teiwaz. These nine machines are known as 'Single Number', and were gifted in the name of Teiwaz's representative, McMurdo Barriston, to nine subsidiaries directly belonging to the organization. Turbines is one of these subsidiaries, with the machine it received being assigned to Amida by Naze Turbine and painted in its distinctive color scheme. The 'Single Number' machines differ from later Hyakuren in that high purity Jupiter Metal are used as shock absorbers for the Ahab reactor and as electrical conductors in the MS' frame. Furthermore, they also have superior reaction speed and maximum output. Other than these differences, the 'Single Number' machines are the same as the later machines.

The Hyakurens are versatile machines that are unhindered by the operating environment, and used weapons that strike a balance between ranged and close combat. They are equipped with heavy armor as they operate primarily in the asteroid belt and debris zone. The heavier weight made the suit more resistance to collision in these areas, and by using this characteristic in MS battle, it gains strong performance in close combat. When the suit is deployed under gravity, the heavy armor would be switched out for ground combat equipment with lighter armor.


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