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Gundam Kimaris

Gundam Kimaris

Model Number: ASW-G-66

One of the "Gundam" frames that was produced and used in the Calamity War roughly 300 years ago, the Gundam Kimaris is able to achieve a high energy output because it possesses two Ahab Reactors. Only a total of 72 Gundam frames were ever produced because it is difficult to run two Ahab Reactors in parallel operation. The Kimaris is specialized for close combat. It uses a lance named 'Gungnir' as its main weapon, while also possessing a foldable combat knife and two launchers in the shoulder that fires disk-shaped weapons known as Slash Disks.

Due to the versatile "Gundam" frame, the Gundam Kimaris can be used in any environment, but it is particularly adept at space combat and has outstanding stability in low orbit combat despite the pull of gravity. The Kimaris also has high mobility thanks to various boosters on its body, including a pair of hidden high-output boosters within each leg. Although attitude control becomes difficult when these leg boosters are deployed, a full boost from them allows the Kimaris to reach distant enemies in an instant, and they can also be used for quick turns or to accelerate quickly. Other notable features of the Kimaris are a cluster of high sensitivity sensors in its head that can correct its course during attacks by millimeters, and four head-mounted flash bang launchers.

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