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Graze Ritter Commander Type

Graze Ritter Commander Type

Model Number: EB-06rs

A commander-use version of the EB-06r Graze Ritter, it is first used by Carta Issue, the commander of Gjallarhorn's Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet. The main differences between the Graze Ritter Commander Type and the standard Graze Ritter include a larger head crest, slightly different chest armor, longer shoulder side armor with higher output round thrusters, and red highlights on the head and shoulder armor instead of white. These changes in its look made it more representative of Gjallarhorn's peacekeeping philosophy than the standard machine.

Although the suit is only seen in its ground configuration in the anime, it can also be configured for space use. The space configuration uses the same thigh armor and back-mounted booster units as the standard Graze, while the ground configuration has different thigh armor equipped with hover units on the sides that are also used by the Graze Ground Type. Like the standard Graze Ritter, the Graze Ritter Commander Type uses a Knight Blade as its main close combat weaponry, but can also be equipped with the Battle Axe when required.

A blue variant of the suit with yellow highlights is later used by McGillis Fareed when he became the commander of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet. Besides the change in color scheme, the suit's appearance remains unchanged. However, its characteristics have been comprehensively reviewed. Particularly, its ground-based combat data was recalculated, and as a result, its mobility under Earth's gravity was maximized. Additionally, McGillis's unit dual-wields the Knight Blades in combat, similar to how he piloted his previous machine.


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