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List of Mechanisms
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt

A total of 31 units are included.

    • Height18 m
    • Weight68.7 t
    • Pilotイオ・フレミング

    Model Number: FA-78

    A heavily armored and highly maneuverable Gundam-type mobile suit deployed by the Moore Brotherhood. There was another type of Full Armor Gundam with a similar model number, the FA-78-1, but it had different details and equipment. Both mobile suits were developed under the ‘Full Armor Operation’, and their differences were a result of experimenting with various systems and equipment.

    The Full Armor Gundam was fitted with numerous pieces of body armor, a large backpack, and had much more weaponry than other mobile suits of its time. Like other mobile suits of the Moore Brotherhood, the Full Armor Gundam had special seals on its joints and a large backpack to protect them from the debris drifting in the Thunderbolt Sector. Besides the standard beam sabers, it was also armed with a twin beam rifle, five rocket launchers, a large beam cannon, a 6-tube missile pod, and numerous missiles stored in various body armor.

    Using the two sub-arms on the large backpack, the machine could wield up to four shields, greatly increasing its defensive capabilities. To prevent the weight of the added equipment from reducing the mobile suit's mobility, thrusters and apogee motors were installed on the shoulders, legs, and large backpack. The large backpack was also fitted with two rocket boosters, and the Full Armor Gundam's total thrust was considered to be comparable to a high mobility-type mobile suit.

    The Full Armor Gundam's added body armor, large backpack, and most of the weaponry could be purged when they are damaged or not required, reducing dead weight. After witnessing the power of the Moore Brotherhood's Full Armor Gundam, the Zeon's Living Dead Division, which was operating in the same area, decided to deploy the MS-06R Zaku II High Mobility Type (Reuse "P" Device).


  • Zaku II High Mobility Type (Reuse "P" Device)

    • Height18 m
    • Pilotダリル・ローレンツ

    Model Number: MS-06R

    The MS-06R Zaku II High Mobility Type (Reuse "P" Device) is a mobile suit operated by the Zeon army's Living Dead Division. An experimental unit equipped with the “Reuse P (Psycho) Device” - a next generation operating system that has the potential to operate a mobile suit's limbs by communicating to the drive system of the mobile suit directly via thoughts. Even individuals with little piloting experience can master the controls in a short period due to this system. Although Ensign Daryl Lorenz is the pilot of the Psycho Zaku and his main mission is to snipe from ultra-long ranges, to pilot the unit, a high proficiency of control is necessary. It is believed that some training time is necessary, however it was pressed into combat so the training was cut extremely short thanks to the device. In order to draw out 100% of its abilities, the pilot must be quadruple amputee to fully interface with the mobile suit.

  • Atlas Gundam

    • Pilotイオ・フレミング

    Model Number: RX-78AL

    A prototype ground combat mobile suit developed by the Earth Federation Forces, the Atlas Gundam is very versatile and capable of underwater combat. It is also meant for data collection and has various special features. It has a unique spherical joint system known as 'Globe Joints', which is developed based on the Principality of Zeon's amphibious mobile suits and is meant for underwater use. In addition, its feet are equipped with water jet thrusters, providing excellent underwater mobility.

    Another special feature of the Atlas Gundam is the waist-mounted "Sub Legs" support equipment. They allow the Atlas Gundam to change into 'Flight Mode' for high-altitude atmospheric combat or into 'Submarine Mode' for underwater combat. The suit is armed with a heat-resistant blade shield, a prototype railgun, two beam sabers, and several assault rifles. Its cockpit block can function as an escape block and is fitted with a panoramic monitor.


  • Blue G

    • Pilotサム・シェパード

    • Pilotイオ・フレミング, リチャード・シムズ, カール

    • Pilotアリシア
  • Spartan

    • Pilotビンセント・パイク

    A unique Pegasus-class ship equipped with four landing ships above its mobile suit decks. The Spartan participated in Operation Thunderbolt, and was sunk during the final battle at Taal volcano base.

  • Guntank(THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotクリード, ソニア

    Model Number: RX-75

    A variant of the RX-75 Guntank, the Earth Federation Forces' long-range support mobile suit. Characteristic features of this particular version include its two-seater head cockpit for a commander and a gunner, four caterpillar tracks, a dozer blade at the front of its lower body, a troop carrier compartment in the center front section of its lower body, and a pair of five-finger manipulators. The anime version is armed with a pair of low-recoil cannons, a pair of Bop missile launchers and two missile pods, while the manga version switched the missile launchers with machine guns. Additionally, in the manga version, the missile pods can be replaced with attitude control thrusters for operating in low gravity environment.


    • Pilotビアンカ・カーライル




    • Pilotカロリーナ・クルコヴァ
  • RGM-79C[G] GM Ground Type-C

    • Pilotイオ・フレミング
  • Gundam Ground Type S

    • Pilotマーカス, デント, オルフェ

    Model Number: RX-79[GS]

    Developed by the Earth Federation Forces in the latter half of the One Year War, the Gundam Ground Type continues to be deployed after the war. An example is the Gundam Ground Type S, which is named as such as it is a Gundam Ground Type deployed exclusively on the Spartan. The suit is a remodeled, ground use version of the RGM-79/GH Gundam Head which was used in the battle of A Baoa Qu. Its Gundam-like head is meant to replicate the psychological impact that the famous Gundam had on the Zeon forces.

    Although the head has no V-shaped antenna, its sensing performance is improved due to the addition of sensors. To adapt to ground use, the shoulder thrusters are removed, a new backpack was installed and changes are made to the chest and feet. The new backpack is smaller, with three thrusters on each side for improved mobility, and also has a pair of sub-arms for holding weapons, such as shields. Armaments used by the suit include a beam rifle, a pair of beam sabers that double as beam javelins, and a shield.


  • Corvette Booster

    • Pilotビアンカ・カーライル

    The Corvette Booster is an atmospheric flight booster for mobile suits developed by the Earth Federation Forces near the end of the One Year War. It is equivalent to a sub-flight system (SFS), and is attached to a mobile suit's back like a back-mounted booster. It can also mount armament pods under its wings, and it is also possible for the MS to ride on top of the booster, similar to the Dodai YS. The Corvette Booster later became the basis for the "Fellow Booster," an exo-atmospheric armament unit used by the RGM-79KC GM Intercept Custom and other mobile suits.

  • Zaku I(THNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotダリル・ローレンツ

    Model Number: MS-05

    A predecessor of the Zaku II, the Zaku I is also known as "Old Zaku", and is still in active service despite its inferior performance. The Zaku I used by the Principality of Zeon's Living Dead Division is equipped with sealed joints to protect against debris in the Thunderbolt Sector. Additionally, the mobile suit's backpack features propellant tanks on the sides for improved mobility, as well as a foldable sub-arm that can hold firearms.

  • Rick Dom (THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotフーバー・アイスラ, フィッシャー・ネス

    Model Number: MS-09R

    A mobile suit operated by the Principality of Zeon's Living Dead Division in the Thunderbolt Sector. It is equipped with a specialized backpack that has a propellant tank and two foldable sub-arms at the top that can be moved back and forth along a rail.

  • Gelgoog (THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotダリル・ローレンツ

    Model Nimber: MS-14

    The Gelgoogs assigned to the Siren Mobile Fleet received modifications for operation in shoal zones, including sealed joints, additional verniers in the shoulders and knees, and four propellant tanks with thrusters at the end mounted on the backpack. The backpack was also fitted with a beam generator, which provides power to the Gelgoog's beam rifle, its primary weapon, through a cable. It was also armed with a beam naginata and a pair of sub-arms, which were able to hold up to two shields.

  • Dried Fish

    • Pilotバロウズ
  • Acguy(THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotダリル・ローレンツ

    Model Number: MSM-04

    The amphibious Acguy used by Daryl Lorenz's team is noticeably smaller than the standard version, being approximately 12 meters tall. Its Iron Nails were replaced with three-fingered manipulators, and its head, arms, and back can be fitted with various optional units, such as sensors and weapons, for specific roles.

    The Enemy Search Type specializes in intelligence gathering and command, the Firepower Type provides fire support and serves as the rear guard, the Heavy Firepower Type acts as the primary combat element, and the Maneuver Type serves as the vanguard and scout, supporting the other units.


  • Gogg(THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotフィリップ・カウフマン

    Model Number: MSM-03

    Designed to be larger than the Gogg deployed in the One Year War, this Gogg is piloted by Philippe Kaufmann, the leader of the Kaufmann team. In the ONA, the Gogg can bend its legs and unfold the legs' frontal armor into a sled-like form for moving easily over snowy and/or icy terrain. Meanwhile, in the manga, the Gogg can fold its feet down to reduce water resistance when moving underwater, and through the additional bending of the knees, the mobile suit can move at high speed on the water surface as well as on ice.

    While the ONA version has iron nails on both hands that are large enough to crush machines like the RB-79[M] Ball Marine Type, the manga version has heat claws that can easily cut apart sea ice. This mobile suit also has two mega particle guns in its abdomen and can launch frizzy yard from its head.



    • Pilot--

    Model Number: MSM-07

    The Z'Gok is the primary mobile suit of the Kaufmann team. Compared to the Z'Gok deployed during the One Year War, the Kaufmann team's Z'Gok features globe joints in its arms and legs, as well as additional shoulder armor. Its legs are also modified for fighting in cold districts and are capable of hovering. Its armament consists of iron nails, arm-mounted machine guns, and missiles in its head.

  • Grublo(THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotブル

    Model Number: MAM-07

    The Grublo is an underwater mobile armor used by Zeon. It can deploy a pair of arms for combat, and they are retracted for storage when the the machine is in cruise mode. Its armament consisted of a large plasma cannon in its "mouth" section, two arm-mounted plasma cannons, and 24 torpedo launchers on the upper section of the mobile armor.

  • Dahle

    • Pilot--

    Model Number: SRf-06

    The South Seas Alliance opted to make their mainstay mobile suits out of salvaged parts from mobile suits destroyed in the One Year War due to a lack of funds. As such, technology and parts from both Earth Federation Forces and Principality of Zeon MS can be seen throughout its design. Its armaments consist of weapons utilized by the mass-production MS forces of both sides, with some of them being modified versions. It can also be mounted with additional equipment for aquatic combat.

  • Gouf(THUNDERBOLT Ver.)

    • Pilotチャウ・ミン

    Model Number: MS-07B

    The South Seas Alliance modified the Goufs left behind by Zeon forces on the battlefield for their own use. A flight unit consisting of two fans is fitted on its back, increasing the mobile suit's jumping height and allowing it to stay afloat in the air. Aerial combat is also possible when utilized in conjunction with the Dodai sub-flight system that the South Seas Alliance recovered. The mobile suit can also serve as a troop carrier, as the flight unit has a container at the top for carrying soldiers.