- WorkMobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt
- Height18 m
- Pilotダリル・ローレンツ
Model Number: MS-06R
The MS-06R Zaku II High Mobility Type (Reuse "P" Device) is a mobile suit operated by the Zeon army's Living Dead Division. An experimental unit equipped with the “Reuse P (Psycho) Device” - a next generation operating system that has the potential to operate a mobile suit's limbs by communicating to the drive system of the mobile suit directly via thoughts. Even individuals with little piloting experience can master the controls in a short period due to this system. Although Ensign Daryl Lorenz is the pilot of the Psycho Zaku and his main mission is to snipe from ultra-long ranges, to pilot the unit, a high proficiency of control is necessary. It is believed that some training time is necessary, however it was pressed into combat so the training was cut extremely short thanks to the device. In order to draw out 100% of its abilities, the pilot must be quadruple amputee to fully interface with the mobile suit.