- WorkMobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt
- Pilotクリード, ソニア
Model Number: RX-75
A variant of the RX-75 Guntank, the Earth Federation Forces' long-range support mobile suit. Characteristic features of this particular version include its two-seater head cockpit for a commander and a gunner, four caterpillar tracks, a dozer blade at the front of its lower body, a troop carrier compartment in the center front section of its lower body, and a pair of five-finger manipulators. The anime version is armed with a pair of low-recoil cannons, a pair of Bop missile launchers and two missile pods, while the manga version switched the missile launchers with machine guns. Additionally, in the manga version, the missile pods can be replaced with attitude control thrusters for operating in low gravity environment.