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Armaros is a mysterious black entity that appeared on Mare Crisium on the Moon shortly after the defeats of Angel Carrier Type-1 and Angel Carrier Type-2 at the hands of Super Evangelion and Evangelion Unit-02 Type II, respectively. Transforming the Spear of Longinus into the Sphere of Longinus, Armaros is more formidable than any Evangelion encountered previously (as per the ANIMA storyline). It possesses the Spear of Longinus and the Sphere of Longinus, while also commanding and remotely powering multiple SEELE Evangelion Units (including Angel Carrier Type-1, Angel Carrier Type-2, Torwart, Victor, and Torwart A1) as well as several NERV-produced units (such as S.EVA in later versions and EVA0.0 [Quatre]) via QR Signum simultaneously.

Armaros is later shown to be able to safely wield the bow Azumaterasu after taking it from Super Evangelion. This bow is especially dangerous, capable of destroying large portions of the Moon with a single shot, and it usually turns its wielder into a pillar of salt after each use—an effect that does not affect Armaros. It declares its desire to see the destruction of humanity as revenge for the failed Human Instrumentality Project. However, this is presumed since Armaros continues to transmit power to the QR Signum, which was taken by NERV Japan from the destroyed Angel Carrier and integrated into S.EVA to replace its core, despite NERV being its enemy.

It is later revealed by Noah that Armaros is nothing more than a failsafe left behind by the First Ancestral Race with no true will of its own, which explains why it never thought to cut the power to its Signum Plates. Armaros was designed to step in and reset the world via the data stored in the Ark should Instrumentality fail to occur by the appointed time. Its humanoid form is merely a manifestation of the extra-dimensional world-tree that connects Earth, the Moon, and Eden, to any of which it can teleport at will. Furthermore, even if its humanoid form is destroyed, Armaros will simply take over the body of its slayer and merge it with its true world-tree form.

Due to Armaros' increasingly impressive autonomous command and combat abilities, and the fact that the Sphere of Longinus floats behind the EVA's head (akin to Orthodox Christian depictions of Jesus Christ), characters refer to Armaros as "The God of Evangelion."

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