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The JA that appeared in Episode 7 of the TV series was the prototype model, and according to the setting, this unit with an onboard N² Reactor was actually in development at the time. Shiro Tokita, who was in charge of the Jet Alone development, managed to complete the next machine with stubbornness and tenacity. The appearance itself is not very similar to the original Jet Alone, having the head as one of the few parts that are similar, with the other parts improved from the previous form.

This new updated machine runs on an N² Reactor instead of a nuclear reactor, eliminating the risk of meltdown. It does need an abundant quantity of water sources for cooling, having a tank in the rear that supplies the coolant needed for it to function. There are exhaust pipes on the back releasing steam.

Its weapons include a giant hammer and a ring attached to the wrist that emits an electrical discharge. In the game Neon Genesis Evangelions, the Jet Alone Kai and Shiro Tokita will help in the battle against the Mass Production Evangelion if the players avoid the meltdown of the original Jet Alone.

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