- Pilotレイ·シス
Evangelion Unit-00 Type F is a Stage 2 Evangelion Unit, being the same one as Evangelion Unit-00' that fought against Armisael, the core was salvaged and put in a regeneration chamber inside the Central Digna. Using spare parts of the Evangelion Unit-00 and the Type F equipment, NERV was able to produce this Evangelion. It only possess one operational leg, the right leg was substituted by a skid-shaped prosthesis that allows the Unit to take a more stable shooting posture.
The reason the limbs were removed were that to generate the needed A.T. Field to use the Angel's Backbone and the Type F equipment can't be removed, having low maneuverability due to this limitation. Unit-00 misidentified the weapon as part of its body and generated an A.T. Field in the acceleration chamber. Because it is the last line of defense of NERV Japan, it does not possess a S² Engine, with the energy being supplied by cables via an umbilical cable. It is theoretical possible to replicate the results of Operation Yashima.
The only difference in the Evangelion fitted for Rei Six was the different entry plug, where Rei Six could operate the Unit-00 Type F. This change was due to her size in comparison with Rei Trois.
It was later upgraded once again to use the Allegorica Equipment, being turned into the Evangelion Unit-00 Type F Allegorica.