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List of Mechanisms

A total of 19 units are included.
  • Evangelion Unit-01 Type F

    • Pilot碇シンジ

    The Type F Equipment was developed by Ritsuko Akagi to address the Evangelion units' lack of mobility and armor strength, which had been significant issues in their battles against the Angels. Despite the increased weight due to additional armor, the newly developed A.T. Field propulsion device provided the Evangelion with enhanced maneuverability and defensive capabilities, making it far more effective in combat.

    However, SEELE perceived the construction of the Type F—an exceptionally powerful configuration for what was supposed to be an experimental machine—as a potential sign of rebellion from NERV's Japanese headquarters. Consequently, SEELE requested modifications that limited the Evangelion's ability to wield firearms. The Type F's hands were redesigned to prevent it from holding large weapons, restricting its armament to a Progressive Dagger stored in the shoulder pylon. Despite these restrictions, NERV secretly produced a modification kit for the Type F that enabled it to use various large firearms, disguising the kit as an Evangelion transportation unit. This kit was deployed during the defense of NERV's Japanese headquarters.

    The Type F armor was also designed to test advancements in A.T. Field generation technology. The aim was to enhance the Evangelion's defensive capabilities through artificial deflection of A.T. Fields, and to potentially enable flight—similar to Evangelion Mark.04A, which uses its A.T. Field for space travel. Although full flight capabilities were not achieved, the Type F allowed Evangelions to perform field-assisted jumps, covering significant distances and outmaneuvering lighter units, even with the added weight of the armor. To further improve its maneuverability, jump jets were integrated into the knee shields of the Type F.

    During a clash with Evangelion Unit-0.0 Mutant, Shinji manifested a spherical A.T. Field centered on himself. He expanded this field to an enormous size, engulfing everything around him, including Unit-0.0. The field caused the air inside to lose pressure, akin to a piston being pulled from a cylinder. A bright white flash followed as the field expelled thousands of cubic meters of lake water in the shape of a bowl 1,200 meters high. The expelled water instantly froze, forming ice strong enough to initially support the weight of the Mutant, which only later began to crumble as the Mutant slid downward. This ice bowl absorbed the shock wave's energy, preventing it from causing massive damage to the city.

    The results of this A.T. Field manifestation left NERV Japan's scientists in awe. They observed that the temperature at the field's center had dropped from 1,000º Celsius to -200ºC. There was speculation that the phenomenon involved Adiabatic cooling, but some data suggested manipulation of the particles’ center of mass. Additionally, the ice formed was unusually strong and resistant to melting. Maya and her team grew increasingly concerned about the unusual and potentially dangerous developments involving Unit-01.

  • Evangelion Final Model

    • Height120 m
    • Weight3500 t
    • Pilot碇シンジ

    The final form of the Evangelion, standing at 120 meters tall and weighing between 3,500 to 4,000 tons, is a massive and imposing figure. The four shoulder pylons, known as Quantum Wave Mirrors, play a crucial role in its functionality. These pylons were designed to regulate the immense energy generated by the Third Impact, effectively preventing Shinji's heart—now integrated with the Evangelion—from exploding due to the overwhelming power.

    After the transformation from Super Evangelion, this form was named by Misato as they departed from NERV Japan, heading towards Yomotsu Hirasaka Island. Misato gave it this name with the hope that the world would never again need another Evangelion, symbolizing a desire for peace and an end to the conflicts that necessitate such powerful weapons.

  • Super Evangelion

    • Height120 m
    • Weight3500 t
    • Pilot碇シンジ

    This unit is an evolution of Evangelion Unit-01, retaining its iconic purple and neon green color scheme, but now featuring additional orange details throughout its body. The Super Evangelion (S.EVA) is equipped with armor derived from the F-Type Equipment, making it bulkier and more ornate compared to its predecessor.

    The creation of the Super Evangelion occurred during a critical moment when Shinji, piloting the Unit-01 Type-F, was shot at point-blank range by Rei Quatre in her Evangelion Unit-0.0 Mutant. The attack left everyone believing Shinji to be dead. However, in that moment, Yui Ikari appeared before Shinji, and his body and soul merged with Unit-01. This fusion triggered the Unit-01 to begin rebuilding itself, ultimately transforming into the Super Evangelion.

    Shinji's soul is now so deeply intertwined with the S.EVA that it can be considered his second body, reflecting the profound connection between the pilot and the Evangelion.

  • Evangelion Unit-01 Type CQB

    • Pilot碇シンジ

    Three years before the events shown in the TV series, equipment for Close Quarters Combat was studied to further the combat with the upcoming Mass Production Evangelion that would be sent by SEELE in an advantageous manner. Assuming a combat situation inside the city, weapon racks and horns were removed. Sensors and cameras were installed in the head and shoulder pylons, by removing the weapons inside. The armor was changed to a new lightweight and harder material coated with angels remains that allows it to generate a kind of A.T. Field. The emphasis is on taking advantage of the surroundings of the city while quickly moving through. It was equipped with two hand guns with a bayonet as hand-held weapons. It can be used in the tactic of cutting through the field of the enemy with the A.T. Field generated on the blade of the bayonet and shooting the gun through the gap to guarantee a shot. It can shoot 1880 rounds per minute.

  • Evangelion Unit-01 Stage 2 Specification

    • Pilot碇シンジ

    Using the data from previous encounters with the Angels, this Evangelion Unit is the evolution of the technology used on Evangelion Unit-01, the armor of this unit sports the trademark purple and green colors of the latter. It has however much more black plates and has more green details. The armor of the unit is also noticeably more bulky due to the fact that it is developed from the Evangelion Unit-01 Type F.

    It was used more as a testbed for new weapons and technology than combat itself, since no Angel activity happened after the end of the Battle at NERV HQ, until the resurgence of the enemies. The Type B Equipment was rarely used in combat and it was used more when testing. It would eventually just be treated as regular loadout.

    One difference between even the same Stage 2 specifications, Evangelion Unit-0.0 and Evangelion Unit-02 Type II were equipped with high-heeled boots for high mobility, while the Unit-01 is equipped with low-cut type boots that are advantageous for the increased ground pressure that comes with heavy armament.

  • Evangelion Unit-00 Type F Allegorica

    • Pilotレイ·シス

    Originally intended to be piloted by Rei Ayanami, it was later refitted to be piloted by Rei Six. It is the combination of the Evangelion Unit-00 Type F and the UX-1 Allegorica support unit. It uses the Magoruku Exterminate Sword Stage 2, while the "Angel Spine" cannon is attached to the Allegorica unit itself.

  • Evangelion Unit-00 Type F

    • Pilotレイ·シス

    Evangelion Unit-00 Type F is a Stage 2 Evangelion Unit, being the same one as Evangelion Unit-00' that fought against Armisael, the core was salvaged and put in a regeneration chamber inside the Central Digna. Using spare parts of the Evangelion Unit-00 and the Type F equipment, NERV was able to produce this Evangelion. It only possess one operational leg, the right leg was substituted by a skid-shaped prosthesis that allows the Unit to take a more stable shooting posture.

    The reason the limbs were removed were that to generate the needed A.T. Field to use the Angel's Backbone and the Type F equipment can't be removed, having low maneuverability due to this limitation. Unit-00 misidentified the weapon as part of its body and generated an A.T. Field in the acceleration chamber. Because it is the last line of defense of NERV Japan, it does not possess a S² Engine, with the energy being supplied by cables via an umbilical cable. It is theoretical possible to replicate the results of Operation Yashima.

    The only difference in the Evangelion fitted for Rei Six was the different entry plug, where Rei Six could operate the Unit-00 Type F. This change was due to her size in comparison with Rei Trois.

    It was later upgraded once again to use the Allegorica Equipment, being turned into the Evangelion Unit-00 Type F Allegorica.


  • Evangelion Unit-0.0 (Evangelion Unit-00 Type II Kai: Area Defensive Unit [0.0EVA])

    • Pilotレイ·カトル, 加持 リョウジ(EVA0.0 [Quatre]) , レイ·サンク(EVA0.0 [Cinq]) , レイ·シス(EVA0.0 [Six])

    These units were built from the salvaged parts of the Mass Production Evangelion's External S² Engines and Evangelion Unit-00. Its armor sports the yellow and white color scheme of the non-repaired Unit-00 and is more bulky. It also is equipped with a backpack providing an unlimited amount of energy through an S² Engine reused from the remains of the Mass Production Evangelions, using the own spine, which would be troublesome later.

    This unit is also somewhat unique in that it has been made in three copies, one for each Ayanami clone. The three units are designated as "Evangelion Unit-0.0 [Quatre]" (piloted by Rei Quatre), "Evangelion Unit-0.0 [Cinq]" (piloted by Rei Cinq), and "Evangelion Unit-0.0 [Six]" (piloted by Rei Six).

  • Evangelion Unit-02 Type II

    • Pilot惣流・アスカ・ラングレー

    This unit is the evolution of the Evangelion Unit-02, the "Stage 2" of the technology used on it. It sports the same red and orange color scheme as its predecessor, albeit bulkier. Being pierced by a Spear of Longinus replica in the battle against the Mass Production Evangelions in the prologue of the story, the optical nerves were severely damaged. As a result, instead of four main cameras, they were changed to a single pair.

    In order to improve mobility and range, the umbilical cable power system was removed, using the rectenna instead to receive power via microwaves. By doing so, the electromagnetic interference can reduce its efficiency by more than half. However, it still proves useful in cases where the Evangelion needs to go beyond the cable's original reach.

    The activity time was increased, and some of the S² Engine-derived equipment used by Evangelion Unit-01 was utilized due to possible compatibility.

  • Evangelion Unit-02 Type II Allegorica

    • Pilot惣流・アスカ・ラングレー

    Also known by Unlimited Flight Type Reconnaissance-in-Force Spec Evangelion Unit-02 UX-1 Allegorica. The equipped N2 thrusters only assist in flight; lift is primarily achieved via the wing slits, which contain a series of artificial tidal fields that create an imbalance in the gravitational pull on the wing's surface.

    The two rear legs and a body like a centaur add bulk that helps the Evangelion remain stable during long-distance flight. Two large wings were also given to Unit-02 Type II, providing, for the first time, the ability to fly. Additional N2 thrusters were placed at the end of each wing to provide propulsion. With enough skill, the usage of propellant would be zero. Two-phase contrast power generators protruded from the wingtips; when extending the A.T. Field, these generators can draw power from the phase differential between the space inside the field and outside, regenerating the energy used.

    It was powered by an N2 reactor that generated gravitons, one of the most cutting-edge technologies, which can produce hundreds of tidal fields, enhanced by artificial-diamond slits to elevate the effect.

  • Evangelion Unit-02 Type F

    • Pilot惣流・アスカ・ラングレー

    It is a proposal for an update for the Evangelion Unit-02, focusing on close-quarter combat and specializing in armor reinforcement. Unlike the Evangelion Unit-00 Type F and the Evangelion Unit-01 Type F, it was not developed in time and was not deployed in the battle against the Mass Production Evangelions.

    Since it is not equipped with special armaments such as the Impact Bolt or the Angel's Backbone, it has better maintainability compared to the other Type F equipment. In some cases, armored restraints can be replaced on-site. Evangelion Unit-02 Type F would be equipped with the N² reactor. It uses powerful armor over its body and limbs, which provides protection but also slows it down compared to the original Evangelion Unit-02. Despite this, it is still able to fight in close combat with two ATF Curved Swords by focusing the A.T. Field on the blades.

  • Crimson A1

    • Pilot惣流・アスカ・ラングレー
  • Evangelion EURO-II Heurtebise

    • Pilot洞木 ヒカリ

    An Evangelion unit developed in NERV Germany using leftover body parts from Evangelion Unit-02, but the project had stalled until the death of 1.9 million people in an attack by the Lance of Longinus. As such, its appearance is nearly identical to Unit-02 except for the white coloring. It used information traded by Kensuke Aida with the Germans for details about the Keel Lorenz visor when he was part of the intelligence department.

    Hikari mentions that the NERV Germany team told her that Evangelion Unit-02’s core failed to bind with Heurtebise's original body, so Kyoko's soul remains with Asuka in Unit-02, though traces might still linger in Heurtebise, like an imprinting.

  • JA改

    • Pilot--

    The JA that appeared in Episode 7 of the TV series was the prototype model, and according to the setting, this unit with an onboard N² Reactor was actually in development at the time. Shiro Tokita, who was in charge of the Jet Alone development, managed to complete the next machine with stubbornness and tenacity. The appearance itself is not very similar to the original Jet Alone, having the head as one of the few parts that are similar, with the other parts improved from the previous form.

    This new updated machine runs on an N² Reactor instead of a nuclear reactor, eliminating the risk of meltdown. It does need an abundant quantity of water sources for cooling, having a tank in the rear that supplies the coolant needed for it to function. There are exhaust pipes on the back releasing steam.

    Its weapons include a giant hammer and a ring attached to the wrist that emits an electrical discharge. In the game Neon Genesis Evangelions, the Jet Alone Kai and Shiro Tokita will help in the battle against the Mass Production Evangelion if the players avoid the meltdown of the original Jet Alone.

  • Angel Carrier

    • Pilot--

    This unit has been developed from what was left of the Mass Production Evangelion units captured after the battle at NERV HQ and somehow later went missing. As such, it is essentially the same unit in appearance, save for a bulkier armor and a visible, empty ribcage. The red and black sigil is located on the chest, near the ribcage.

  • Armaros

    • Height180 m

    Armaros is a mysterious black entity that appeared on Mare Crisium on the Moon shortly after the defeats of Angel Carrier Type-1 and Angel Carrier Type-2 at the hands of Super Evangelion and Evangelion Unit-02 Type II, respectively. Transforming the Spear of Longinus into the Sphere of Longinus, Armaros is more formidable than any Evangelion encountered previously (as per the ANIMA storyline). It possesses the Spear of Longinus and the Sphere of Longinus, while also commanding and remotely powering multiple SEELE Evangelion Units (including Angel Carrier Type-1, Angel Carrier Type-2, Torwart, Victor, and Torwart A1) as well as several NERV-produced units (such as S.EVA in later versions and EVA0.0 [Quatre]) via QR Signum simultaneously.

    Armaros is later shown to be able to safely wield the bow Azumaterasu after taking it from Super Evangelion. This bow is especially dangerous, capable of destroying large portions of the Moon with a single shot, and it usually turns its wielder into a pillar of salt after each use—an effect that does not affect Armaros. It declares its desire to see the destruction of humanity as revenge for the failed Human Instrumentality Project. However, this is presumed since Armaros continues to transmit power to the QR Signum, which was taken by NERV Japan from the destroyed Angel Carrier and integrated into S.EVA to replace its core, despite NERV being its enemy.

    It is later revealed by Noah that Armaros is nothing more than a failsafe left behind by the First Ancestral Race with no true will of its own, which explains why it never thought to cut the power to its Signum Plates. Armaros was designed to step in and reset the world via the data stored in the Ark should Instrumentality fail to occur by the appointed time. Its humanoid form is merely a manifestation of the extra-dimensional world-tree that connects Earth, the Moon, and Eden, to any of which it can teleport at will. Furthermore, even if its humanoid form is destroyed, Armaros will simply take over the body of its slayer and merge it with its true world-tree form.

    Due to Armaros' increasingly impressive autonomous command and combat abilities, and the fact that the Sphere of Longinus floats behind the EVA's head (akin to Orthodox Christian depictions of Jesus Christ), characters refer to Armaros as "The God of Evangelion."

  • Victor & Torwart

    They sport black armor with a single black plate on their back. Their most unique ability is to create portals, allowing them to appear and disappear at will. The opening of these portals has a devastating effect on unshielded people, turning them into pillars of salt.

    One of the Torwart units was destroyed by the Super Evangelion, but the other survived and reappeared with Super Evangelion's Center Trigonus, which was previously taken by Armaros using the Spear of Longinus. Due to the particular relationship between Shinji and S.EVA, the second unit behaves as if it is Shinji.

    This unit mimics the voices of the two people it loved most. In the first form of Armaros, it used the voices of Asuka and Rei in the case of Shinji. When Armaros took Hikari, it adopted the voices of Kodama Horaki and Toji Suzuhara.

  • Strategic Defense Force Integrated Mechanic Soldier Type-4 "Akashima"

    • Pilot--

    The humanoid shape of the N² Reactor-powered Akashima was designed to be this way to be able to traverse any kind of terrain and its arms to be able to hold weapons and fire in any direction. If it failed, with its humanoid arms, it could at least hold the enemy down in close combat. The main body offered more than mere structural support; it provided a frame for protective armor and could withstand unexpected impacts if necessary. In the wings of the cruiser mode, additional equipment can be added. Two pilots can fit inside it, being held by multiple harnesses, one driver and one gunner to fully control the machine.

    It can also change the configuration by transforming from humanoid into cruiser mode. By being able to fly, it allows the JSSDF to act faster than ever in any location where it was needed and without any external support. Toji remarks that the Akashima can't fly high due to the ground effect and advises Shinji not to get too happy since, publicly, it was announced to be an anti-Angel mech designed to support the Evangelions, but he heard people say that it could be made to eliminate the Evangelions.

    The Akashima was also a testing unit for the graviton floaters in Evangelion Unit-02 Type II Allegorica.

  • Su-27 SMN² Platypus II

    • Pilot--

    Platypus II is the progenitor of the graviton floater technology, combining an N² reactor and a diamond-slit array. It is a joint manufacture between NERV Japan and the Japanese Strategic Self Defense Force, using the Sukhoi Su-27 as a testbed. This technology was later used in the UX-1 Allegorica system, utilizing the data accumulated from the development of Platypus II. It is equipped with a railgun that uses power from the N² reactor, and its speed can reach Mach 2. The original intent was to be used as air support for Evangelions, but due to the lease of Hakune from the United Nations, the cooperation fell through. Now the aircraft is used as transportation, mainly for Tōji Suzuhara's frequent travels. There are also extra-sided cameras that allow the user to see in various directions on the screen.

    It uses an extremely powerful synthetic aperture radar to penetrate clouds and other gases that would normally block radio waves in order to plot a route to the Akashima. It also possesses a positron cannon with a specific camera for it.