- WorkCODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion
- Height4.45 m
- Weight7.92 t
- Pilot四聖剣
Model Number: Type-3F
The Gekka differs from the Guren Mk-II in several notable ways. It features gray armor instead of red, and its head unit has been replaced with a monoptic model. The Gekka lacks a Radiant Wave Surger, and the cannon in its left arm has been replaced with an optional, fully automatic rifle, capable of taking down both Knightmare Frames and faster targets like missiles and airborne ordnance carriers.
The Gekka’s primary weapon is the Katen Yaibatou, an elongated, heated chain-sword designed to cut through Knightmares with greater ease than conventional blades, though it is not as effective as the MVS (Maser Vibration Swords). Additionally, the Gekka is equipped with a Chaffsmoke dispenser, which can release both chaff and a smokescreen. This feature jams enemy electronic systems and disrupts visual tracking, making it useful for stealthy retreats or evasive maneuvers during combat.