- WorkMobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash
- Height32.5 m
- Weight112 t
- Pilotレーン・エイム
Model Number: RX-104FF
The RX-104FF Penelope was a mode where the RX-104 Odysseus Gundam was equipped with the FF (Fixed Flight) unit. It was classified as a fifth-generation MS alongside the RX-105 Ξ Gundam, which was developed around the same time. The MS was unique due to its capability to achieve independent flight and was considered to be an MS that would greatly change the course of mobile suit operations under gravity. These functions largely depended on the FF Unit, while the Ξ Gundam had a different structure that integrated all of the functions into a single MS. In addition to the FF unit, it was said that an optional armament known as the Argos Unit was developed but its details were unknown. It was also said to be equipped with a Psycommu or Quasi-Psycommu unit. The MS was also capable of supersonic flight by deploying a Beam Barrier in its direction of movement, but this required the MS to transform into its Flight Form.