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List of Mechanisms
New Mobile Report Gundam W

A total of 28 units are included.

    • Height16.7 m
    • Weight8 t
    • Pilotヒイロ・ユイ
  • Wing Gundam

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.1 t
    • Pilotヒイロ・ユイ, トロワ・バートン, レディ・アン
  • Gundam Deathscythe

    • Height7.2 m
    • Weight16.3 t
    • Pilotデュオ・マックスウェル
  • Gundam Heavyarms

    • Height16.7 m
    • Weight7.7 t
    • Pilotトロワ・バートン

    • Height16.5 m
    • Weight7.5 t
    • Pilotカトル・ラバーバ・ウィナー
  • Shenlong Gundam

    • Height16.4 m
    • Weight7.4 t
    • Pilot張五飛
  • Gundam Deathscythe Hell

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.4 t
    • Pilotデュオ・マックスウェル
  • Altron Gundam

    • Height16.4 m
    • Weight7.5 t
    • Pilot張五飛
  • Tallgeese

    • Height17.4 m
    • Weight8.8 t
    • Pilotゼクス・マーキス
  • Gundam Epyon

    • Height17.4 m
    • Weight8.5 t
    • Pilotゼクス・マーキス
  • Tallgeese II

    • Height16.4 m
    • Weight8.8 t
    • Pilotトレーズ・クシュリナーダ
  • Vayeate

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.3 t
    • Pilotトロワ・バートン, ヒイロ・ユイ
  • Mercurius

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.3 t
    • Pilotヒイロ・ユイ
  • Leo

    • Height7 m
    • Weight16.2 t
    • Pilot--
  • Tragos

    • Height13.8 m
    • Weight7.7 t
    • Pilotアウダ(マグアナック隊員)
  • Aries

    • Height16.9 m
    • Weight8 t
    • Pilotワーカー, ルクレツィア・ノイン, ミュラー, アハト, カトル・ラバーバ・ウィナー
  • Cancer

    • Height16.9 m
    • Weight8.2 t
    • Pilotアレックス
  • Pisces

    • Height16 m
    • Weight7.4 t
    • Pilotサリィ・ポォ, ルクレツィア・ノイン
  • Taurus

    • Height16.8 m
    • Weight7.9 t
    • Pilotレディ・アン, ニコル, ルクレツィア・ノイン, カトル・ラバーバ・ウィナー, トロワ・バートン
  • Virgo

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.3 t
  • Virgo II

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.3 t
  • Maganac

    • Height16.4 m
    • Weight7.4 t
    • Pilotラシード・クラマ(隊長), アウダ アフマド, アブドゥール
  • Olifant

    • Height13.6 m
    • Weight7.6 t
    • Pilot--

    • Height17.6 m
    • Weight9.4 t
    • Pilotルクレツィア・ノイン

    Model Number: OZ-14MS

    The OZ-14MS Gundam Aquarius was specifically designed for the destruction of mobile dolls (MDs). Its most crucial feature was its ability to broadcast a virus that disables the enemy identification component of the MD system. Without the capacity to recognize and engage targets, the mobile dolls would become defenseless, making them easy targets for either Gundam in battle.

    Aquarius was heavily armored for defense and equipped with powerful thrusters that allowed it to fly in the atmosphere and keep pace with the Gundam Epyon. However, it was built with few vernier and apogee motors, which gave it high speed but compromised its maneuverability. Since the majority of Aquarius's reactor output was dedicated to powering its thrusters and jamming pods, it lacked the energy capacity to operate beam weapons. Consequently, its only fixed weapons were a pair of heat rods mounted in its forearms. For prolonged combat scenarios, the Aquarius was intended to borrow the OZ-06MS Leo's 105mm rifle and shield.

  • Virgo Cube

    • Height16.3 m
    • Weight7.3 t
    • Pilotビルゴ3(ビルゴキューブ)

    Model Number: OZ-04MD

    The Virgo III is an improved model of the Virgo series. This mobile doll has a better version of the mobile doll system, increased mobility, and stronger planet defensors.

  • Scorpio

    • Height23.5 m
    • Weight17.8 t
    • Pilotビクター・ゲインツ

    The OZ-16MSX-D Scorpio is a large, heavily armored, transformable mobile suit developed by OZ specifically for fortress defense. The Scorpio has two distinct modes: Mobile Armor (MA) mode and Mobile Suit (MS) mode. In its MA mode, the Scorpio boasts high offensive power and is equipped with powerful propulsion units that provide significant thrust, making it formidable in long-range combat. However, the MS mode is designed for close-range combat, sacrificing some of its armor and weaponry during transformation. This transformation process appears to be irreversible during combat, meaning once it switches to MS mode, it cannot revert back to MA mode until after the battle.

    Typically, the Scorpio operates as an unmanned Mobile Doll, relying on automated systems for combat. However, by using the code "56WI," its Mobile Doll system can be deactivated, allowing it to be controlled manually as a manned mobile suit.

    The Scorpio's armament is extensive and includes Beam Bayonets that function as both beam rifles and beam sabers, an A.S Planet Defensor for defensive measures, and Micro-missiles stored in the chest and shoulders for added firepower. Additionally, the Heat Rod, which is only available in MA mode, provides another layer of offense. Due to its massive size—1.5 times larger than a typical mobile suit—the Scorpio is not mass-produced, making it a unique and powerful asset in OZ's arsenal.

  • Libra

    • Height1500 m
    • Pilotカーンズ

    • Pilotマイク・ハワード