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List of Mechanisms
Gun x Sword

A total of 12 units are included.
  • Dann of Thursday

    • Height24.8 m
    • Pilotヴァン

    Dann of Thursday is Van's armor, and one of the The Original Seven armors. Although originally part of The Original Seven, it was used by Van to fight every other member of the Seven.

    In compact form it resembles a giant sword and thus wields a huge sword in humanoid form, from which a smaller knife can be separated. A giant blade is mounted on its back, and can provide limited flight capabilities similar to rocket propulsion. Dann is one of the few Armors which possesses no long range attacks, and it depends entirely on Van's movements and swordsmanship in order to inflict damage on its opponents.

    Most unusual is its ability to instantly heal injuries or illnesses that Van has, including hangovers, once he enters the cockpit. Furthermore, it also has an Overdrive ability which can emit a highly devastating beam of supercharged G.E.R. fluid which cuts like a giant sword, although its hinted that this ability is Van's and not Dann's. Van, as a result of a special surgery, is symbiotically linked with Dann and is required to interface with the Armor at least once per week. If he does not, he will eventually fall ill as if with a bad fever and die. Accordingly, if either Van dies or Dann is destroyed, the other will cease to exist.

    Dann of Thursday was originally a part of the first Original Seven. These 7 armors were built on Mother Earth, and used to police the planet The Endless Illusion. However, the first Original Seven became corrupt and were all nearly destroyed, with the exception of Gadved. Due to this, Dann and the other Original Seven armor's were stored in the Satellite ring above the Endless Illusion. Gadved, with the help of his Comrade, sought out new riders for each armor, with Gadved eventually finding Van. Van would meet Elena, who would help him hone his skills in controlling Dann.

    In the beginning of the series, Van has not learned to activate all of Dann's power yet, but by the last episode he has discovered how to utilize Dann's electromagnetic shield, which greatly improves Dann's odds against a long range-attacking opponent. Later towards the end of the series Dann's satellite station was shot down by Saudade of Sunday. This stops Dann from repairing itself after its battle with Dahlia of Wednesday. Dann later repairs itself using Diablo of Monday's satellite station which is later destroyed by Saudade of Sunday. In the end, Dann is stored in another of the remaining satellites, though is not mentioned which one.

  • Volcain

    • Height21.9 m
    • Pilotレイ・ラングレン
  • El Dora V

    • Height57 m
    • Pilot(チヅル), ネロ, ホセ, バリヨ, カルロス
  • El Dora Soul

    • Height57 m
    • Weight550 t
    • Pilotネロ, ホセ, バリヨ, カルロス

    An older Armor piloted by the El Dorado Five. Prior to the series' story, they have not used it for many years, but they finally use it when the safety of their hometown is threatened. El Dorado is composed of five separate smaller mechas (Grand Header (グランヘッダー), Body Gander ( ボディガンダー),  Power Hander (パワーハンダー), Nice Footer (ナイスフッター), and Pink Amigo (ピンクアミーゴ)) which combine into one Armor, known as "El Dora Five", though they can combine without Pink Amigo to create the weaker "El Dora Four". In order for it to activate its most powerful mode, all five must be interlocked. The armor mostly relies on hand-to-hand combat but is also capable of missile attacks and launching powerful special moves. El Dorado depletes its energy fast and therefore does not last long in prolonged battle without Chizuru's "support unit". Later in the series El Dorado is upgraded into the El Dora Soul, gaining power but losing its ability to separate.

  • Brownie

    • Height20.5 m
    • Pilotプリシラ
  • Saudade of Sunday

    • Height26.8 m
    • Pilotミハエル・ギャレット

    Saudade of Sunday is an armor that was part of The Original Seven. It was recovered from the seabed in Meuuniere, and given to Michael Garett, who was able to pilot of armor without reconstruction.

    One of the Original Seven Armors, it's designation was Sunday.

    Unlike other armors in the series, Saudade did not require a satellite in order to heal. Michael was able to pilot Saudade without reconstruction. The armor was controlled with an Energy Handgun.

    When it is in its compact form it has the appearance of a gun with bayonets. In humanoid form it sprouts several large wings which functions as large solar panels. Saudade wields a gun that fires energy beams and has bayonets attached.

    Saudade was an integral part of The Claw's plan to reformat the world. It had a unique ability to interface with the destroyer system hidden in the Moon.

  • Diablo of Monday

    • Height21.7 m
    • Pilotガドヴェド・ガオード

    Diablo of Monday is an armor that was part of the Original Seven. It was owned by Gadved, the leader of the Original Seven. When docked in The Original Seven Satellite ring, Diablo of Monday resembled an Axe.

    Diablo is part of the Original Seven Armors. It's designation was Monday.

    Like other Armor's in the Original Seven, Diablo would dock in a satellite when not in use. While docked in the satellite, Diablo form would changed to that of an axe. It would be healed of any damage while docked too.

    Gadved could summon and control Diablo via his Axe, which was made from a unique morphable metal. All the Original Seven armors were controlled via similar weapons.

    Diablo wields a large axe as it's primary weapon.

  • Metsä of Tuesday

    • Height29.2 m
    • Pilotウィリアム・ウィル・ウー

    Metsä of Tuesday is an armor that was part of The Original Seven. It was owned by William Will Woo. When docked in The Original Seven Satellite ring, Metsa of Tuesday resembles a Lance.

    Metsa is part of the Original Seven Armors. It's designation was Tuesday.

    Like other Armor's in the Original Seven, Metsa would dock in a satellite when not in use. While docked in the satellite, Metsa's form would changed to that of a lance. It would be healed of any damage while docked too. It had the ability to fly via air vents on it's back.
    Unlike other members of the Original Seven, Woo could control Metsa without having had his body Reconstructed.

    Woo tells Van that The Original Seven have added modifications to their Armors. Metsa seems to have an additional pair of cannons which fire energy bolts at a target.

    It uses a rapier as a weapon. Woo would summon and control Metsa with a rapier made from the morphable metal used by the other members of the Original Seven.

    A unique trait was Metsa's ability to stay active over several days while not needing to return to it's satellite dock.

  • Dahlia of Wednesday

    • Height31 m
    • Pilotファサリナ

    Dahlia of Wednesday was an armor that was part of The Original Seven. It was owned by Fasalina, who used the Armor to fight Van and others to defend The Claw's dream. When Dahlia of Wednesday was docked in the Satellite ring, it resembled a staff.

    Dahlia is part of the Original Seven Armors. It's designation was Wednesday.

    Like other Original Seven Armors, Dahlia would dock in a satellite above the Endless Illusion. While docked, Dahlia's form resembled that of a staff. When summoned to the planet's surface, Dahlia would appear to "bloom" like a flower.

    Fasalina's body was Reconstructed so she could control Dahlia with her body & mind.

    Dahlia is very agile and has speed to match, despite its appearance. Fasalina controls it by swinging around a pole installed in the cockpit of the armor which is also her staff. The staff is also used to summon Dahlia from space.

    Dahlia possesses some unconventional weapons as it can fire a burst of its own G.E.R. fluid against the enemy Armor, binding them since the liquid solidifies on contact. Another unique weapon is its ability to create tendrils of G.E.R. fluid from its chest for close range combat. It can also fire rocket missiles for long range combat, and even use camouflage to evade or surprise an enemy, as Dahlia looks very much like a large flower.

    Dahlia is one of three Original Seven Armors with a unique coloration, the armor on its body being a shade of pink.

  • Sin of Friday

    • Height25 m
    • Pilotカロッサ

    Sin of Friday was an armor that was part of The Original Seven. It was specially designed to fight in a combined form with Sen of Saturday. It was owned by Carossa, who's twin sister Melissa owned Sen of Saturday. This made them a formidable pair on the battle field.

    When docked in The Original Seven satellite ring, Sin of Friday resembled a Tonfa.

    Sin was a member of The Original Seven Armors. It's designation was Friday.

    In its compact form while docked in it's satellite resembles a tonfa, while in its battle state, it is hunched backwards with large hind legs and a tail. Carossa uses a tonfa to summon and control Sin.

    Sin, along with its sister armor Sen, differs from the other Original Seven because it has a non-humanoid structure.

    Carossa was able to pilot Sin without the need of reconstruction. However, it is highly likely that both Carossa & his twin sister Melissa were genetically engineered in order to pilot the two armors. Also, their familial bond is likely what makes the combination of Sin & Sen so effective.
    When battling it wields a tonfa which can morph into different weapons. Sin and Sen can combine into a single Armor to increase their attack and defense, but can just as easily separate again. It can also fire energy beams at an extremely rapid rate and is protected by an electromagnetic shield.

    Sin seemed to be the more aggressive of the twin armors. Carossa used it's melee weapons to fight up close against Van. Carossa was also extremely agile using Sin, able to avoid Van's close range attacks with ease.

  • Sen of Saturday

    • Height25 m
    • Pilotメリッサ

    Sen of Satuday was an armor that was part of The Original Seven. It was specially designed to fight in a combined form with Sin of Friday. It was owned by Melissa, who's twin brother Carossa owned Sin of Friday. This made them a formidable pair on the battle field.

    When docked in The Original Seven satellite ring, Sen of Saturday resembled a chakram.

    Sen is a member of the Original Seven Armors. It's designation was Saturday.

    Melissa would summon and control Sen using a morphable chakram.

    Sen is Sin's sister armor, but smaller. In its battle state it is more humanoid than its sibling but the head is very alien looking. In its compact form it resembles a chakram, which is also its weapon when in battle form.

    The chakram is a deadly ring which can be thrown against an enemy and pierce its armor and will return to its owner like a boomerang. Sen can interlock with Sin to a single armor, where Sen resides in the interior and bottom section, protected by the stronger and bigger Sin.
    Like Sin, it can fire energy beams and is protected by an electromagnetic shield.

    Sen is one of three Original Seven Armors with a unique armor color, possessing the same pale gold as Saudade of Sunday.

    Melissa used Sen's lasers and chakram to fight from a ranged distance. She would often hold back and allow Sin to fight up close with his melee weapons, while Sen would shoot from afar.

  • Birthday System

    • Pilotカギ爪の男

    The Birthday System was a giant armor and the final key to The Claw's plan to reformat the world. The armor was powered by numerous sources, granting it the power to reformat the entire planet.

    The Birthday System was an immobile armor, designed to facilitate The Claw's plan to reformat the world, causing all living things to find peace on an unconscious level.

    The ultimate Armor designed by the people who escaped from Earth, the Mother Planet, which supposedly surpassed the Original Seven. It controlled the moon of the Endless Illusion, which was actually a giant satellite used to escape from Earth by a group of scientists. It is crucial to the Claw's plot, who pilots it himself and fights against Dann of Thursday several times.

    Inside it is just a large room full of golden fluid instead of the traditional blue with a pillar which the Claw Man only has to lie in to control. Its prime defense is the 'Guardian Curtain' which is a curtain made of energy surrounding it.