- WorkGun x Sword
- Height29.2 m
- Pilotウィリアム・ウィル・ウー
Metsä of Tuesday is an armor that was part of The Original Seven. It was owned by William Will Woo. When docked in The Original Seven Satellite ring, Metsa of Tuesday resembles a Lance.
Metsa is part of the Original Seven Armors. It's designation was Tuesday.
Like other Armor's in the Original Seven, Metsa would dock in a satellite when not in use. While docked in the satellite, Metsa's form would changed to that of a lance. It would be healed of any damage while docked too. It had the ability to fly via air vents on it's back.
Unlike other members of the Original Seven, Woo could control Metsa without having had his body Reconstructed.
Woo tells Van that The Original Seven have added modifications to their Armors. Metsa seems to have an additional pair of cannons which fire energy bolts at a target.
It uses a rapier as a weapon. Woo would summon and control Metsa with a rapier made from the morphable metal used by the other members of the Original Seven.
A unique trait was Metsa's ability to stay active over several days while not needing to return to it's satellite dock.