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List of Mechanisms
Pacific Rim: Uprising

A total of 10 units are included.
  • Gipsy Avenger

    • Height81.8 m
    • Weight2004 t
    • PilotJake Pentecost, Nate Lambert

    Gipsy Avenger was built in honour of Gipsy Danger and designed using its design template. Its blue template was desaturated, and its frame was redesigned to be sharper and closer to the basic design of a fighter jet than Gipsy Danger’s Arc Deco, Western, and World War II-based influences.

    Gipsy Avenger’s arsenal – the Plasmacaster 2.0, Chain Sword 2.0, and Elbow Rocket 2.0 – is an identical and “upgraded” weapon set that of Gipsy Danger's. It’s later retrofitted with Obsidian Fury’s Dual Plasma Chainsaws following the hybrid’s destruction.

    An additional weapon, original to the design of Gipsy Avenger, is the Gravity Sling, a weapon similar to Guardian Bravo’s Elec-Whip 16 weapon, that can disturb the gravitational field around any object, from debris or a building, and allows Gipsy Avenger to use virtually anything as an offensive weapon against Kaiju.

    Gypsy Avenger has a missile which can split into several smaller missiles; those small missiles are powerful enough to destroy a thick layer of ice. Gipsy Avenger is also outfitted with rocket boosters mounted on each of its feet that allow it to move quicker across land and substantially quicker underwater. Additionally, Gipsy Avenger's back "wings" can flip around and fire missiles.

    Despite the digital advancements by Mark-4 and Mark-5 Jaegers, like Gipsy Danger, Gipsy Avenger is outfitted with a Nuclear Vortex Turbine, and a smaller secondary turbine. Each hour, they generate enough energy to power the city of Chicago for an entire year.

  • Bracer Phoenix

    • Height70.7 m
    • Weight2128 t
    • PilotViktoriya Malikova, Ou-Yang Jinhai, Amara Namani

    Like Valor Omega, Bracer Phoenix is a heavily armored Mark-5 Jaeger. The oldest of the Jaegers, its "squat and rugged" armor design was designed for maximum protection and resembles a Humvee. It's set up with a three-pilot rig similar to the Mark-4 Jaeger Crimson Typhoon. Bracer Phoenix's pilot rig makes it unique among its successors, the Mark-6 Jaegers. The range of free movement provided by Bracer Phoenix's weapon setup allows its pilots to move from the Conn-Pod into the Gunner Pod where the pilot can arm the Vortex Cannons.

    Bracer Phoenix's Vortex Cannons can inflict major damage to Kaiju but are hazardous to the surrounding environment, capable of inflicting collateral damage on structures and civilian targets. The Gunner Pod was designed to operate like a World War II ball turret. Independent of the Jaeger's overall movement, the cockpit allows the pilot to attack from the front and the rear. Additionally, Bracer Phoenix is armed with Anti-Kaiju Missile Launchers on thighs and clavicles, and later, following the destruction of Titan Redeemer, Bracer Phoenix was retrofitted with the M-19 Morning Star weapon.

  • Saber Athena

    • Height76.8 m
    • Weight1628 t
    • PilotRenata, Ryoichi Hatayama

    Saber Athena is an experimental Mark-6 Jaeger, designed with an "ultra-light frame" utilizing "high-tensile muscle strands". Its sleek design allows it to perform feats ranging from high jumps to acrobatic leaps. Saber Athena is armed with a pair of Ionic Twinblades, sword-like weapons mounted to its back, which can be combined to create a larger, stronger weapon. Among its other weapons is an N-16 Particle Charger.

    Saber Athena's design is inspired by high-performance sports cars like the Lamborghini, as well as the look of an insect. Its bright orange color scheme contrasts with the muted militarization of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, reflecting the Coast Guard's colors. Saber Athena’s speed is enhanced by small propulsion jets in its arms and legs, allowing it to move faster than other Jaegers.

  • Titan Redeemer

    • Height74.1 m
    • Weight2251 t
    • PilotEmily Deacon, Randy Deacon

    Titan Redeemer is a Mark-6 Jaeger designed around its primary weapon, the M-19 Morning Star. Its function as a frontline Jaeger is accentuated by the colors of the Armed Forces vehicle, such as the Huey Helicopter.

    During the construction of Titan Redeemer, its design was adjusted to account for the imbalance created by the M-19 Morning Star. Titan Redeemer’s upper body frame is broad and T-framed, which offsets the weight of the Morning Star, a weapon that substitutes for a hand.

    Nearly sixty feet in diameter, the M-19 Morning Star has a superdense liquid-metal core that enhances its impact, especially when deployed via its cable. The spikes on the Morning Star lay flat when inactive but flare out when deployed, adding damage to the outer armored layers of any target. Titan Redeemer's secondary weapons include arm-mounted cannons and an EMP Mist Grenade that can disrupt electrical signals. Titan Redeemer is powered by a GG-11 Gyro Core and is equipped with T-21 “Flatfoot” Sentry Treads for its feet. Its M-19 Morning Star weapon was later retrofitted to Bracer Phoenix.

  • Guardian Bravo

    • Height73.2 m
    • Weight1975 t
    • PilotIlya Zaslavsky, Suresh Khuran

    Guardian Bravo is a Mark-6 Jaeger designed for long-range combat. Its back is equipped with Burst Foils, jet-like rockets that enhance its speed across long distances. The red and white color scheme of its design invokes the silhouette of an F-16 Jet. Guardian Bravo is armed with an Elec-16 whip, a weapon inspired by Gipsy Danger’s Chain Sword.

    The Elec-16 whip is made of unbreakable material and can deliver sustained electrical shocks, capable of causing significant damage to multiple objects or surfaces. In addition to the Elec-16 whip, Guardian Bravo is equipped with Core salvo charges on either side, and arm-mounted guns, including machine guns on both arms and an energy-firing weapon on at least the left arm.


  • Obsidian Fury

    • Height88 m
    • Weight1975 t
    • Pilot--

    Obsidian Fury is one of several Jaeger drones with technology pioneered by Shao Industries and designed by a Precursor-controlled Newton Geiszler. A hybrid of Jaeger and Kaiju, Obsidian Fury is controlled by the hivemind used by the Precursors. Unlike pilot-controlled Jaegers, Obsidian Fury was designed without a Conn-Pod.

    Behind its helm resides the secondary brain of a Kaiju, connected to the drone's electronics. Obsidian Fury is constructed with Obsidian Chrome shielding and is armed with shoulder-mounted AKM Salvo-Launchers and twin plasma-infused chainsaws. It also has signal jammers on its back, capable of disrupting transmissions and communications. Other weaponry includes arm-mounted guns, spikes along its lower arms, a particle charger on its chest, and clawed fingers.

  • Valor Omega

    • Height73 m
    • Weight2370 t
    • Pilot--

    In a post-war environment, Valor Omega's primary function is as an emergency response unit, aiding in the evacuation of civilians. Valor Omega is capable of entering hazardous and uninhabitable environments.

    Its torso can hold up to 150 people, serving as a shelter. Additionally, its legs are equipped with a desalination and filtration system that can purify seawater for drinking, supporting entire communities. It also carries medical emergency supplies.

    Valor Omega is a broad, heavily armored Jaeger focused on firepower. It is armed with two retractable Y-11 Revolution Cannons on its forearms. These cannons, known as the "21-gun salute," possess the firepower equivalent to a "21 cannon firing line." Valor Omega is powered by a VOLK-9 Torso Core located in the center of its torso, and its legs are reinforced with shock suspenders at the knees.

  • November Ajax

    • Height78.9 m
    • Weight1987 t
    • Pilot--

    November Ajax is a broad-shouldered Jaeger with a blue color scheme that evokes both the image of local authorities and the militarized Pan Pacific Defense Corps, standing at a height of 259 feet.

    In its operations, November Ajax uses a loudspeaker to demand that Rogue Jaeger pilots cease their illegal activities. If they refuse to comply, November Ajax is equipped with electrified grappling hooks within its fists, designed to send disabling shocks to subdue the Rogue Jaegers.

  • Scrapper

    • Height11.9 m
    • Weight278 t
    • PilotKai

    Unlike Jaegers built by the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, Scrapper was designed to be small enough to run "a single neural load", allowing it to be operated by a single pilot. Like most Rogue Jaegers, its design is smaller than a Pan Pacific Defense Corps-designed Jaeger and runs primarily on power cells charged with ion.

    Among its secondary functions, Scrapper is capable of rolling into a ball and evading capture when enough momentum is built up by the pilot. Additionally, Scrapper is armed with smoke grenades that could allow her to make a hasty retreat.

    After being upgraded, Scrapper can be remote-piloted using a quantum data core similar to a Drone Jaeger and can use its right shoulder weapon as a welding tool. This tool is strong enough to quickly cut through the hull of a Jaeger. While the Conn-Pod was modified for remote-piloting, it could still hold enough room for two people to fit.

    Scrapper is surprisingly durable, and can survive flight outside of the atmosphere and subsequent reentry without apparent damage. Scrapper can survive falls from great heights, and land and remain operational. Its alternate mode allows it to survive crashing through buildings or on its way down from a transport ship without suffering major damage.

  • Drone Jaeger

    • Height76.8 m
    • Pilot--

    Drone Jaegers are unmanned machines controlled remotely using a quantum data core. The quantum data core allows a single user to control the drone without the presence of a second pilot, and eases the neural load.

    Drone Jaegers are mass-produced machines, designed with hard, white shell armor that hid their organic nature, and resembled the design template used by Apple and Tesla. Drone Jaegers are armed with a chest energy beam, also used for opening Breaches, and sidewinder-type missiles.