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Obsidian Fury

Obsidian Fury

Obsidian Fury is one of several Jaeger drones with technology pioneered by Shao Industries and designed by a Precursor-controlled Newton Geiszler. A hybrid of Jaeger and Kaiju, Obsidian Fury is controlled by the hivemind used by the Precursors. Unlike pilot-controlled Jaegers, Obsidian Fury was designed without a Conn-Pod.

Behind its helm resides the secondary brain of a Kaiju, connected to the drone's electronics. Obsidian Fury is constructed with Obsidian Chrome shielding and is armed with shoulder-mounted AKM Salvo-Launchers and twin plasma-infused chainsaws. It also has signal jammers on its back, capable of disrupting transmissions and communications. Other weaponry includes arm-mounted guns, spikes along its lower arms, a particle charger on its chest, and clawed fingers.

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