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List of Mechanisms

A total of 5 units are included.
  • Blue Destiny Unit 1

    • Height18.5 m
    • Weight73 t
    • Pilotユウ・カジマ

    Model Number: RX-79BD-1

    The Blue Destiny Unit 1 was a modified RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type, featuring improved generator output and enhanced mobility through the use of magnet coating and additional leg verniers. Weapon-wise, it was upgraded with a pair of 60mm chest vulcans and wire-guided missile launchers on the stomach, in addition to carrying the same 100mm machine gun, beam sabers, and shield as the Gundam Ground Type.

    The development of the Blue Destiny Unit 1 was spearheaded by Dr. Chlust Moses, a former researcher from the Principality of Zeon's Flanagan Institute who defected to the Earth Federation. He incorporated the EXAM System, a unique mobile suit operating system that he invented. Initially, the Blue Destiny Unit 1 was based on the RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type. However, as its performance fell short of the EXAM System's demands, the GM Ground Type's head, which already housed the EXAM System, was transplanted onto a modified chassis based on the Gundam Ground Type.

    The EXAM System was designed to maximize a mobile suit's potential for a limited time, but it was highly unstable and prone to going berserk, attacking both allies and enemies. Federation mechanic Alph Kamra later installed a limiter on Unit 1, capping the EXAM System's output at 50% to prevent it from going out of control. The output could be raised to 100% when necessary, but this could only be sustained for 5 minutes before the machine risked overheating.

  • Blue Destiny Unit 2

    • Height18.5 m
    • Weight73 t
    • Pilotニムバス・シュターゼン

    Model Number: RX-79BD-2

    Blue Destiny Unit 2 is the second mobile suit developed by Professor Chlust Moses after he defected to the Earth Federation Forces. Like the RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 1, Unit 2 was created to test the EXAM System and has the system mounted in its head, but unlike Unit 1, the Unit 2's system has no set limit, making it more prone to going berserk. Additionally, Unit 2's head is based on the Gundam Ground Type, matching the rest of its body.

    While the Gundam Ground Type is configured only for ground battles, Unit 2 is designed for use in both Earth and space. This versatility is achieved by swapping its backpack, which grants the suit high operational capacity and mobility in both environments. In terms of armaments, Unit 2 retains the chest vulcans and wired missiles from Unit 1 but opts for the beam rifle of the Gundam Ground Type as its main ranged weapon instead of the 100mm machine gun. It also utilizes a new shield from the RGM-79G GM Command. After Nimbus stole Unit 2, he had its shoulder armor repainted red, though any other possible customizations he made to the unit remain unknown.

  • Blue Destiny Unit 3

    • Height18.5 m
    • Weight73 t
    • Pilotユウ・カジマ

    Model Number: RX-79BD-3

    Originally intended as a spare mobile suit to supply parts for Blue Destiny Unit 1 and Unit 2, Blue Destiny Unit 3 was put into action following the loss of Unit 1 during the battle with the MS-08TX[EXAM]Efreet Custom. Unit 3 is nearly identical to Unit 2, except for its color scheme, and it also has a limiter set in the EXAM System. Although there was a plan to paint Unit 3 in a blue color scheme like Units 1 and 2, this was not implemented. Similar to Unit 2, Unit 3 can operate on both Earth and in space by swapping its backpack. It is armed with chest missiles, vulcan guns, beam sabers, a beam rifle (primarily used by the RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type), and a new shield.


    • Height17.2 m
    • Weight59.4 t
    • Pilotニムバス・シュターゼン

    Model Number: MS-08TX[EXAM]

    The Efreet Custom is a modified version of one of the eight MS-08TX Efreets that were manufactured and is equipped with the EXAM System. The Efreet was chosen as the base unit because no other mobile suits could withstand the demands of the EXAM System. Compared to the original Efreet, the Efreet Custom features a larger head unit, which lacks Vulcan guns, to accommodate the first EXAM System and its associated cooling units. The mobile suit also benefits from improved mobility due to a reduction in weight and more powerful thrusters, along with higher offensive power, making it more formidable than the original Efreet. Its close combat capabilities even surpass those of the MS-07 Gouf.

    When the EXAM System is activated, the Efreet Custom's already impressive performance and mobility are further enhanced, allowing it to match the capabilities of newer mobile suits. However, this system causes the mobile suit to quickly overheat, leading to the enhancement of its cooling system to mitigate this issue. Due to the low production number of the Efreets, spare parts are difficult to procure. While parts from the Gouf series, which shares a close lineage with the Efreet, can be used, they still suffer from severe wear and tear caused by the EXAM System. Despite its excellent performance, the Efreet Custom was said to have failed to meet the expectations of its developer, Chlust Moses, who eventually defected to the Earth Federation to develop a higher-performance machine.

  • Blue Destiny Unit 0

    • Pilotクレア・キルマー

    Model Number: RGM-79BD-0

    Based on the GM Ground Type, this mobile suit was the Earth Federation Forces' initial test machine for the EXAM System, which is housed in its head. The suit's output was increased, and additional cooling systems and data-gathering devices were also mounted. As the machine was only intended for movement tests, its only armament is the head-mounted Vulcan guns.