- Height29.5 m
- Weight107.8 t
- Pilot【メイン】アイビス・ダグラス 【火器管制】スレイ・プレスティ 【機体補助】ツグミ・タカクラ
Participating Works in Super Robot Wars
Model Number: XAM-008-HI
As the culmination of Project Terrestrial Dream, the XAM-008-HI Hyperlion is the ultimate space-use Armored Module. Combining the Altairlion's versatility and maneuverability with the Vegalion's speed and power, the machine is more than capable of dealing with a host of enemies on its own. The Hyperion's systems are delegated between its three pilots: Ibis Douglas acts as the machine's main pilot, Tsugumi Takakura handles attack pattern data and navigation, and Sleigh Presty adjusts the output of the pair of Twin Tesla Drives. As the situation calls for it, the Hyperion can separate into its component machines and recombine on-the-fly.
Although only seen in the Alpha 3 version of Maneuver GRaMXs, the Hyperion actually has an alternate mode, with the Altairlion joining the Vegalion in Cruise Figure and the Vegalion retaining most of its original shape over the Altairlion. Thus, the Hyperion can be said to have both a Doll Figure and Cruise Figure, with the latter most likely being its preferred configuration when travelling long distances.
The Hyperion's first combination and sortie came after Ibis and Sleigh conducted a final duel between one another, with Ibis emerging victorious. A small Neo Zeon contingent, led by Cima Garahau, appeared to prevent them from regrouping with the Alpha Numbers, who were rushing to prevent Char Aznable from dropping the Fifth Luna asteroid on Earth. In order to quickly deal with them, Tsugumi inputs Code HYPER-77, which activates the Altairlion and Vegalion's combination sequence: Formation Helios.