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New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit

A total of 16 units are included.
  • Gundam Geminass 01

    • Height17.3 m
    • Weight7.9 t
    • Pilotアディン・バーネット
  • Gundam Geminass 02

    • Height17.3 m
    • Weight7.9 t
    • Pilotオデル・バーネット
  • Gundam Geminass 01 ASSAULT BOOSTER

    • Height17.3 m
    • Pilotアディン・バーネット
  • Gundam Geminass 01 HIGH MOBILITY UNIT

    • Height17.3 m
    • Pilotアディン・バーネット
  • Gundam L.O. Booster

    • Height22.3 m
    • Weight23.8 t
    • Pilotアディン・バーネット
  • Gundam Griepe

    • Height22.8 m
    • Weight18.2 t
    • Pilotアディン・バーネット
  • Gundam Aesculapius

    • Height18.2 m
    • Weight12.8 t
    • Pilotシルヴァ・クラウン
  • LEO-S

    • Height18.9 m
    • Weight7.2 t
    • Pilotロッシェ・ナトゥーノ
  • LEO-R

    • Height19.7 m
    • Weight6.2 t
    • Pilotクラーツ・シェルビィ
  • LEO-N

    • Height19.2 m
    • Weight14.5 t
    • Pilotブルム・ブロックス
  • Hydra Gundam

    • Height21.7 m
    • Weight24.9 t
    • Pilotヴァルダー・ファーキル
  • Gundam Burnlapius

    • Height20.9 m
    • Weight19.2 t
    • Pilotクラーツ・シェルビィ

    Model Number: OZ-10VMSX-2

    Based off the OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius, the Burnlapius was designed to be a heavy assault mobile suit capable of transforming into a stronger "duel mode" for close combat. In this configuration, the backpack is mounted onto the head and the shoulder-mounted Golem Claws mount over the hands like a pair of gloves. It has a copy of the PX system, but lacks a limiter as Dr. Berg deliberately chose to not install one.

  • Vayeate Suivant

    • Height18.2 m
    • Weight8.1 t
    • Pilotソリス・アルモニア

    Model Number: OZ-13MSX1B-S

    Operated by OZ Prize, the Vayeate Suivant was designed to work in tandem with its partner, the OZ-13MSX2B-S Mercurius Suivant. While the Mercurius Suivant specialized in defense, the Vayeate Suivant focused on offense and was armed with two large beam cannons, each possessing double the firepower of the original Vayeate. These cannons were designed to rival the power of the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam's buster rifle, but unlike the buster rifle, they do not have a 3-shot limitation due to the presence of two energy collectors mounted on its back.

  • Mercurius Suivant

    • Height18.2 m
    • Weight8.1 t
    • Pilotルーナ・アルモニア

    Model Number: OZ-13MSX2B-S

    Operated by OZ Prize, the Mercurius Suivant was designed to work in tandem with its partner, the OZ-13MSX1B-S Vayeate Suivant. While the Vayeate Suivant specialized in offense, the Mercurius Suivant focused on defense, similar to the original Mercurius. It was armed with a small beam gun and a large AS Crash Shield, providing robust protection. The Mercurius Suivant was also equipped with twenty planet defensors, which are small disc-shaped devices that generate a defensive electromagnetic field. Additionally, the Mercurius Suivant could be operated as an unmanned unit when necessary.