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List of Mechanisms
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Ghost

A total of 18 units are included.

    • Height15.9 m
    • Weight9.5 t
    • Pilotカーティス・ロスコ, ビル

    • Pilotフォント・ボー

    • Pilotフォント・ボー

    • Height15.9 m
    • Pilotカーティス・ロスコ
  • デスフィズ

    • Pilotジャック・フライデイ
  • デスフィズ・モール

    • Pilotマーメイド・ヌブラード, ジャック・フライデイ
  • ガラハド

    • Pilotゴードン・ヌブラード
  • Espiral

    • Pilotディーヴァ・ダッダ

    Model Number: EMS-TC-S01

    The Espiral is one of three mobile suits developed for Thoucus without official approval. Designed as a simplified version of the Cornix, the Espiral has a unique structure with six arms connected to the body via a pair of rings. The arms share the same basic structure with built-in thrusters and beam guns, although only one pair has manipulators. By quickly moving the arms along the rings, it is possible to attack in all directions and perform complex, high-speed movements.

    Originally designed for use in space, the Espiral suffered from short operational time due to the six arms' limited propellant capacity and poor cooling. These problems were resolved after the Espiral was modified for aerial combat with an air cooling system and jets for propulsion on Earth.

  • バンゾ

    • Pilotラーザブ
  • Lalo

    • Pilotロナルド

    Model Number: EMS-TC01

    The Lalo is one of the "Thousand Custom" units developed by the Jupiter Republic. It is a prototype of the Thoucus unit and differs somewhat in concept from other machines. Resembling a ball-riding clown, it operates in conjunction with a dedicated support machine called the "Ride Ball." This concept is similar to the combination of the Einerad and ZM-S24G Gedlav of the Zanscare Empire, but it is based on Jupiter's S size frame. The total height of Lalo is less than 10 meters, and the mass of the Ride Ball is less than one-sixth that of the Einerad. This miniaturization grants Lalo speed and mobility that surpasses other mobile suits of the same era.

    Like the Gedlav with the Einerad, the Lalo relies on the durable Ride Ball for defense. However, while the Gedlav can get inside the Einerad and use its beam shield to cover its sides, the Lalo must position the Ride Ball between itself and an enemy. The mechanical wheel arms on its back allow it to lay low behind the Ride Ball and drive toward the enemy. Although the Lalo has a low production cost due to its small structure, only a skillful pilot can effectively utilize the Ride Ball for defense. Therefore, there are no plans for mass production.

  • バイラリナ

    • Pilotコーシャ
  • グレゴ

    • Pilotクォ・グレー
  • Carmelo

    • Pilotマーメイド・ヌブラード

    Model Number: EMS-TC-M01

    The Carmelo is one of three mobile suits developed for Thoucus without official approval. Designed for coastline attacks, the Carmelo's most notable feature is its long legs that allow Carmelo to stand on the bottom of the river or sea in a shallow area, with only upper body emerging from the water to attack with the long range beam rifle. The legs are also equipped with water jets for aquatic movement.

    As it is presumed that the water should provide enough protection from enemy's attack, the Carmelo doesn't feature any defensive equipment.

  • Kirjarugu

    • Pilotアニマール・ベルヴァ

    Model Number: EMS-TC-G01

    The Kirjarugu is one of three mobile suits developed for Thoucus without official approval. It was intended specifically for invasion of Earth, and is deigned for high-maneuverability in combat on rough terrain. As a result, its main feature is a quadrupedal MA mode. This form has both high offensive and defensive power due to the 10 beam sabers mounted on its front. It is also capable of suddenly changing direction and ramming the enemy. Since it was intended for ground combat with many obstacles, it is not armed with any long-range weapons.

  • Midas

    • Pilotキゾ

    The EZM-S01 Midas is a high-performance mobile suit developed in secret for use by Lieutenant General Kizo Dogatie. The entire body is coated in golden anti-beam coating and boasts the highest generator output among Zanscare mobile suits. Its mobility surpasses that of the EMS-TC02 Phantom, a machine equipped with the Minovsky Drive.

  • Chaosrel

    • Pilotマリア・エル・トモエ

    Model Number: EZMA-S01

    The EZMA-S 01 Chaosrel is a large mobile armor developed by Lieutenant General Kizo Dogatie for use by psychicker Maria El Tomoe. The body is approximately 200 meters in length and covered in gold beam-resistant coating. This type of machine is similar to the experimental "mobile ship" produced by the Jupiter Empire, a battleship equipped with mobile suit technology. During combat, it assumes a mobile armor form. It is armed with four powerful large beam cannons integrated into the joints of each flexible arm and two beam cannons mounted in the head. The claw arms can be used to grab enemies during close-combat. The greatest function of the Chaosrel is to control numerous all-range remote weapons named "Gimlet Bits."

    In addition to Maria El Tomoe, a powerful psychicker who is the Chaosrel's main pilot, 12 more psychickers are slaved to her as sub-pilots to amplify her thought waves. In theory, it is possible to control up to 120 MS with Maria's thought waves being amplified by the sub-pilots. Although the Gimlet Bits are equipped with a Psycommu receiver, the control system equipment necessary to operate captured MS is incorporated within the Chaosrel's body. Despite the Chaosrel's large size, this system takes up approximately 40% of the Chaosrel's mass.

  • Zong

    • Pilotゴールデン・エッグス司令

    Model Number: ZM-GE-03

    Operated by the Zanscare Empire, the Zong was created using the MSN-02 Zeong as a reference. Like the Zeong, the Zong has no legs and is armed with a pair of five-barrel mega particle guns in its arms. Unlike the Zeong, the Zong's mega particle guns can generate beam sabers from four of the five barrels. The Zong also has the ability to separate its body into various parts for all-range attacks.

    The Zong's true strength, however, comes from its pilot, Scale Sarpris, who has the ability to emit "fault" psychowaves. These waves cause the enemy to see countless illusions of the Zong attacking. The illusion is almost perfect, fooling both Newtype spatial senses and electronic sensors alike. However, when Grey Stoke fires the Gump's High Mega Cannon, causing a sudden flash, only the real Zong casts a shadow.

  • Bibrons

    • Pilot--

    Model Number: ZMT-XXG

    Manufactured in the latter half of U.C. 0153, the Bibrons is an advancement of the concept behind the ZM-S21G Bruckeng, which was to integrate the Einerad into a mobile suit's frame so that it could not be used by the enemy. It has a distinctive design with two heads and is designed for ground superiority. Because the mobile suit does not have an official production number, it may have been developed hastily without waiting for approval.

    The Bibrons' Einerad unit takes the form of an articulated tail mounted on the mobile suit's back. Because the diameter of the wheel has been reduced, the mobile suit's body protrudes out of the sides. Rather than compensate for this with a shield, beam cannons are placed on both sides of the wheel. Anything that approaches from the side, which is the mobile suit's weak point, will become the target of the cannons.