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List of Mechanisms

A total of 12 units are included.
  • TEMJIN 747J

    • Pilotテムジン
  • Apharmd the Hatter

    • Pilotアファームド
  • Fei-Yen the Knight

    • Pilotフェイ-イェン

    The Apharmd is a guerilla warfare shock troop VR based on the Temjin's skeletal frame. Where the Temjin was a multi-purpose machine suited for general battle circumstances, the Apharmd specialises in close-quarters combat. It uses the same Power Bombs as the Temjin, but its M.P.B.L. was supplanted by a shotgun-type R-11 Gun Launcher. Nonetheless, its most fearsome weapon is a pair of Dynamic Tongfers ver. EX, each connected by a swivel on its wrist. These tonfa-style weapons use high-density energy beams that can slash through even the toughest defenses like a hot knife through butter. The Apharmd's turbo speed, devastating weaponry and solid armour all make the machine a formidable opponent on almost any field of battle.


    A heavyweight machine at almost 26 tons, the Dorkas lacks the speed of most other Virturaroids in the game, but it compensates for this with a serious punch of its own and is a sturdy machine. While it is shorter than the others at a stout 13.4m in height, it has a lower center of gravity, thus it is more stable and falls over less often. Its Claw Manipulator has a launcher that fires incendiary projectiles and can even ignite for a sort-of "fire punch" attack in close quarters. Another unique weapon is its Hammer Launch System (H.L.S.), which can be launched at an opposing Virtuaroid before returning to the Dorkas. The hammer also features beam spines for an extra punch, and can even be used in melee. Its most formidable weapon, however, is the shoulder-mounted Phalanx missile launcher system, which launches an earthshaking spread of napalm bombs to entrap, damage and even outright destroy the opponent.


    The highly experimental Bal-Bas-Bow is a Virtuaroid like no other in the game, featuring a hovering unit instead of legs and armed with a pair of E.R.L. (Ejectable Remote Launchers). The right-hand E.R.L. fires flat, ring-shaped laser beams that can also erase the projectiles of opposing VRs' Right Weapons. The left-hand E.R.L. can deploy a small cluster of floating F-Mines that fly towards their target with a homing capability. However, when both weapon triggers are pressed, both E.R.L.s deploy from the Bal-Bas-Bow and swarm the opposing VR with projectile fire. In close combat, the E.R.L.s can also produce spinning beam claws to slash and drill at the enemy. The VR's mobility has significant issues with consistency; it is sluggish and lacks maneuverability while it is on the ground, but much it is more mobile and agile when airborne. It takes a true pilot with experience and a strategic mind to master this machine!

  • TEMJIN 747J type a8

    • Pilotテムジン