Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, originally released in Japan as Gundam Musou (ガンダム無双, Gandamu Musō), is a 2007 video game based on the Gundam anime series. Developed by Omega Force and published by Namco Bandai Games, its gameplay is derived from Koei's Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series.
The "Official Mode" of the game primarily focuses on the Universal Century timeline, featuring mecha from Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, and Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. Additionally, some units from Mobile Suit Variation and Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory appear as non-playable enemy units. The "Original Mode" includes mecha from non-UC series such as Mobile Fighter G Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, and Turn A Gundam. A newly designed non-SD Musha Gundam by Hajime Katoki is also featured.
The game was first released in Japan on March 1, 2007, for the PlayStation 3 under the name Gundam Musou. A North American version titled Dynasty Warriors: Gundam was released on August 28, 2007, for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with English localization handled by AltJapan Co., Ltd. It was the second next-gen Gundam game released in North America, following Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire. A Japanese Xbox 360 version, titled Gundam Musou International, was released on October 25, 2007, featuring both Japanese and English voice overs—unlike the Japanese PlayStation 3 version, which only had Japanese audio.
An expanded PlayStation 2 port, Gundam Musou Special, was released on February 28, 2008, in Japan. This version included new scenarios and additional mobile suits.