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Crimson Typhoon

Crimson Typhoon
  • WorkPacific Rim
  • Height76 m
  • Weight1722 t
  • Pilot劉智福, 劉智滿, 劉智堂

Unique among the Jaegers, Crimson Typhoon is piloted by three Rangers as opposed to the traditional two. The Conn-Pod, personally designed by Dr. Caitlin Lightcap, functions and accommodates a triple Neural Handshake and three-pilot control. Two pilots control the Jaeger's basic movements in the front, while the third pilot acts as a gunner from behind.

Crimson Typhoon is constructed with a full titanium core and fifty diesel engines per muscle strand. Crimson Typhoon's three arms allow for great mobility and range in combat, and the fighting style of the Wei Tang triplets grants the Jaeger the grace of a practiced martial artist. Crimson Typhoon can use its broad shoulders to defend against punches and shield itself, allowing it to strike back immediately by rolling with its left shoulder. It also features three rear jets which allow for an increase in forward movement for a limited amount of time. They can be used to aid in the Jaeger's ability to leap into the air, decreasing the distance between her and a Kaiju to land a melee attack. These rear jets can ignite independently of each other to increase the speed of Crimson Typhoon's melee attacks, as the Jaeger's torso twists when it slashes at a Kaiju using its arms.

Crimson Typhoon's OSIH Achilles shock absorbers are attached with magnetorheological dampers, allowing for better balance on an array of terrain in combat. The complex labyrinth of balance plates and pressure sensors housed within the Jaeger's feet calculates the thousands of micro-adjustments per second required to perform various maneuvers in battle. Crimson Typhoon's 34RO111 STERNO Piston, while a trade-off component, also allows for the Conn-Pod's increased flexibility around the Jaeger's neck.

Crimson Typhoon's 11X/// Triples Control Device enables the triple-pilot system and the Conn-Pod itself acts as a telescope, allowing for greater vision in combat. Its pioneering Liquid Software systems, 28-GO, also provide the lowest circuitry footprint of any Jaeger, which enables the Conn-Pod design to be sleeker and more situationally aware. The flexibility awarded to Crimson Typhoon allows it to rotate its lower torso and legs a full 180 degrees, allowing it to perform high kicks and lift its body in order to perform flips.

Crimson Typhoon is well-known for its signature attack, the "Thundercloud Formation," where its hands pop outwards and all twelve fingers split in half and rotate to form twelve saw-blades that can easily cut through Kaiju hide. Crimson Typhoon also wields an IB22 Plasmacaster, which is three times more powerful than the I-19 Plasmacaster used by Gipsy Danger and has a multi-layered CELL-TIP technology that enables the Jaeger to specifically target the skeletal structure of a Kaiju in combat. The only downside to this weapon is the massive amount of energy required just to fire it, with each shot slaved to a 6.8 second charge time.

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