- WorkSpace Demon God Daikengo
- Height120 m
- Weight800 t
- Pilotライガー, クレオ, アニケ
The legendary guardian deity that has been passed down to the Emperius star for generations. He is resurrected by receiving the energy of the genie star.
The giant fighter Combat Ship (one crew member), the buggy-type giant machine Daiken Buggy (one crew member), and the giant tank Daiken Caterpillar (two crew members) combine to form the giant robot Daiken Go. Normally, it transforms into a mobile base / Daiken base and runs around the universe. When using the mechanism "Kengo Separator" they separate into each machine, "Daiken Base Arranger" to combine into the base form, and "Space Genie Daikengo" to combine into the Genie form.
The total length is 120.0m and the weight is 800t. The power source is photon energy. A single warp is also possible.
When the armor of the face splits in two, it has a mouth with fangs like Hannya, and it spits fire from there (Daiken Fire).